
it doesnt have to identify anyone individually. the data they handed over includes demographic and geographic information, they type of information that leads to the over policing of certain neighborhoods or certain types of citizens...the type of thing the DOJ uncovered happening in Ferguson for decades, for example,

As a fun experiment, go ahead and submit a FOIA request to your local Law Enforcement Agencies to see what data they have on you.

So in other words you have no clue what they do with it.

Oh please. My father was a cop and admitted to looking up info about people (my siblings, mother, and I included) when not officially investigating. Cops do this shit for fun, and they’ll do it for whatever reason they want.

This show with this cast and these writers was two (short) seasons old. Stop being a disingenuous prick.

You don’t have to do this.

Dgs: you're not getting out of the greys on my account, but you could measure success thusly: Mr. Harriot is a professional writer who is paid to tell compelling stories. You're a sad bag of shit who's reduced to creating burner accounts so you can spend the evening hours trolling folks on this website. Congrats. It

He’s nothing more than Log Cabin Republican. And he knows nothing about Black people. And Castro, a superior candidate, who actually understands black people is barely getting any traction.

I’d be lying if I said I that wasn’t the last article I read. Lord help us all.

They believed in you and it really speaks to what they saw in you. Look at you now. You have a whole lot of people that are so thankful for you. Keep writing truth to power and we will continue to read, learn, and grow. 

A mediocre kid of a rich music engineer in NY gets a music gig on SNL. I smell nepotism. Privilege of the wealthy and connected at the very least. She was terrible. Her stage name is stupid. Pass. *I’m gay and I approve this message*


Give ‘em hell, Harry!

“almost charming in a weird way”
What is “How 99.999% of Americans perceive British people”?

Imagine if we were you and our life was so sad we would attack a blogger for doing his job. 

Yeah, 100% foresight.

Hmm. Passion for one’s work. Straight jacketed into maintaining a specific appearance, forced to deal with substandard writing.....

The Force Awakens was a bad movie. The Last Jedi was a bad movie for entirely different reasons (and not the one usually cited by the way, in fact that’s because it did not break enough with the past). This last movie will be a bad movie. The only good movie since the original trilogy is Rogue One. Solo was just ok