
Was it unclear that I meant it should have its own article, really? I said that this story was up but there was still nothing about Turkey. On jezebel, in general, clearly, come on.

It happened before midnight on the East Coast. They’ve had plenty of time to put up, at the very least, a story that would be updated later.

How is this story up and nothing about the massacre in Turkey?? I hate to be one of those people but it happened last night before it was even midnight in the East Coast....

Seriously! It says on the package that you shouldn’t use it every day. I use it 3 days a week and my skin is BABY SOFT.

Wow, what a completely shitty thing to say about a woman you’ve never met! And insulting the women he’s dated as a way to insult the man, even better #feminism!

Depends on the cat! I have a Maine Coon and he needs periodic baths so his furs don’t get super matted and gross. It’s not that weird.

Would you call this working, or...?

Legit just copied and pasted this comment into my notes to I can refer to it later. Seriously, this is a great insight.

Just got word from my college roommate, who’s a PhD student at OSU, that she’s locked in her office but safe. Waiting for more news. Horrible.

The pain was definitely “oh my god I’m dying” pain for me- and it lasted almost a week! And I’m no stranger to uterus pain! Before BC, I had insane cramps.

Right- this is particularly galling when these same people are the first to line up and yell about bootstraps when it’s non-white folks struggling to get by.

Pretty sure “troll” is way overused on Jez. Yes, this commenter made controversial statements in a different thread. That doesn’t make him/her a troll. Their statements in this thread are perfectly normal. I could be wrong (haven’t looked through VacuPump’s whole comment history) but that sure points to this person

Maybe if I only read this comment over and over for the next week, I’ll feel better.

Their field is hardwood, indoors. Not red clay.

I don’t need to spend time on something that has been exhaustively explained to you throughout this thread. The fact that you didn’t care to listen the first dozen or so times isn’t my problem.

Look, I’m not going to spend time on how you don’t understand what nuance or hypocrisy are. I’m not your 9th grade teacher.

I can both believe his victims and also think that his wife shouldn’t be held responsible for his actions, because I am an intelligent human capable of nuanced thoughts.

The devil doesn’t need any more advocates. Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.

I’m so hoping it’s before November 8th. I want to see this thing go down so spectacularly.

I was SCREAMING at her as I was driving to work this morning. That interview was unbelievable.