
A friend’s cousin (yeah I know) once rented out a limo to Joe, before he was VP. When they got it back it was full of empty bottles and blunt guts.

I would truly love to see any research backing up the idea that swimming in something like a burkini would be unhygienic. Would be news to so many surfers and divers who wear wetsuits regularly!

You know not everyone lives in a city, right? And that even if you do live in a city, you may not live conveniently close to public transportation? Why would you make your life MORE difficult just to, what, make yourself suffer adequately? Is that what your point is? You make literally no sense.

Some of us have been in both places all along...

wait do you actually not know what GM means

This is always the first fucking comment on any Jalopnik article that has been linked to any other GM site. How about, if you only read Jalop for the cars, and you see a headline that isn’t about cars, do everyone else a favor and don’t fucking read it??

Thank dog the snark lives on.

Well, if that’s true, your cousin is a shitty daughter

Follow up, are you in paleo or are you just an enthusiast? (I’m an invertebrate paleontologist myself, but I started out in dinosaurs as an undergrad!)

LOVE THIS BOOK but it is so controversial among paleontologists!

Hi, actual paleontologist here. We (the paleontology community, particularly the vertebrate paleo community) have worked very hard to make sure that there are laws in place that keep fossils out of the hands of private collectors where possible and keep them in their country of origin where possible. If you’re truly

I have one of these. It belonged to my great grandma. They’re for making Italian cookies! You just have to know what you’re doing, we use it every year.

I did read the thread and your responses have all been really, really stupid. I honestly can’t believe you’re still doubling down on this.

So like, it’s totally cool because the Nazis did it. If there’s anyone we should try to emulate...

I don’t think you know what accurate means

It’s not grammar, it’s not sounding like an idiot. Jfc you don’t even know what grammar is?

“A required license to drive a car doesn’t stop people from driving without driving”

“US has some of the most laws in the country”

Hey, I think we take the same seizure pills! I had no idea about the bc interaction either, until my pharmacist called me to ask about it. Totally ridiculous.

Is there a reason you think that you would know better than the entire American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists? I’m pretty sure they’ve probably thought of the risks. Even if the pill is free, a doctors visit is an impediment for lots of people because of cost, time, transportation, etc. The experts agree