
At least now we know we’ll never be happy!

She also has a grade 12 education or less!

Yeah, my dad’s family is very Catholic and it was super important for my aunt to have my little cousin in Boy Scouts, but he’s on the autism spectrum, and the other boys apparently bullied him while their fathers egged them on. She had to pull him out. This was in suburban New Jersey. Fuck the Boy Scouts.

He literally had his own tiny coffee maker that he brought in. I kid you not.

I had a co-worker once who special ordered that stuff and brought it to work to make his own small batches of coffee. He would also try to convince the rest of us how great it was.

Do you like, need a cookie for not shooting women or something?

I didn’t mention Manhattan socialites or Harvard grads. I live in North Florida, in the Swamp. So, I’m not sure where you’re getting this from.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach

This was the point I was trying to make to WhoamIwhatamIwhyamI elsewhere in this thread. Obviously stay at home dads already exist, but they don’t get much visibility and that may affect the choices of other men when it comes to their kids. If they don’t see other stay at home dads in media or read about them or hear

That’s obviously how many men, like the ones discussed on this thread have gotten there, but if you think that media like this doesn’t have an effect on the overall way that society views both stay-at-home dads and women who choose to stay in the workforce, and how many men and women make those choices, you are truly

And we even have WaWa in Florida now! Thank you for that btw.

Well, we have excellent weather and some of the best beaches in the world. You don’t have either of those things. I don’t know what to tell you :(

I agree- especially since I am a millennial who is planning, and I’d like to see how it’s actually working out for some people.

I mean, yeah, it was rhetorical, but I’ll go with your point for a minute. If we keep writing and reading thinkpieces that hand-wring about how women are taking “breaks” or are finding new ways to “have it all” instead of just squashing the entire notion of having it all because it’s bullshit, then how can we move

Yes! I’m also in grad school and jobs in my field are few and far between, why on earth would I ever “pause” and risk losing one?

My partner and I are already (GASP) planning to have him be a stay at home dad- why isn’t that even ever brought up as an option? My career choice is much less flexible and he’s better at the whole child thing anyways. We’re no where close to having kids yet, so hopefully this will still be a viable option for us at

This is literally exactly my strategy. Do I have a secret sister?

Can I just say though, I’m a paleontologist and people mix up paleontology and archeology allllll the time and it gets really old :(

Do you understand how a primary works or nah?