
If you advertise that as being one of the perks of your college, you tend not to attract the type who wants to be in or form a frat. People socialize and make friends just fine without paying dues to do it... in my experience, better! At my college, the atmosphere was extremely open-door, most people lived on campus,

Still not sure what your point is here... Obviously colleges and universities can exist without Greek Life. Plenty of them do. I get that that isn't your experience, but that doesn't make it untrue.


I went to a college with no Greek life. No one ever formed an unsanctioned, off-campus fraternity or sorority. We just plain didn't have them... they aren't like, an unstoppable force that MUST have a presence on every campus.

Polly pocket 1993:

While your experience is certainly relevant, it is a huge problem to paint all people with mental illness with the same broad brush. Is your argument that because of your experience, with your mother, that no woman with bipolar disorder should be able to have babies? That this was a reasonable thing for the UK

Oh my goodness, you're weirdly making me feel so much better. Just knowing that someone else is going through this and probably cried as much as I did (plz tell me you cried, I cried like my first born was killed) is the best feeling. It crashed while I was in the MIDDLE of editing the hardest paper I've ever written!

I hope not. For your sake.


This is so awesome I think I love you.

Could someone PLEASE make me write this paper??


My previous job was as a volunteer manager at a very large homeless shelter. I had people yell at me when they couldn't volunteer on Thanksgiving because they called the week before. I always offered to have them come in and volunteer on any other day of the year, since we always needed volunteers, but no one ever