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as Democrats scramble to figure out 2020 there should be a bright flashing light at DNC headquarters that says “DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES NOMINATE ANDREW CUOMO”

In case anyone out there was confused about how the voting/enfranchisement system was rigged, here it is. Jill Stein filed for a recount. She paid the required fees. And now, suddenly, she is not “aggrieved” enough to demand a recount. Any registered voter should be entitled to demand a recount if they can pay the

I think more left their top blank in MI than voted for Stein, right?

Not to defend Stein, but just to be objective you could make this argument for those who left the tops of their tickets blank, or those who stayed home, or those who voted for Trump, all of which represent larger groups than Stein voters.

Dems had years to figure this out and didn’t. They lost dozens and dozens of house seats, the Senate, the Presidency and COMPLETELY SLEPT THROUGH GERRYMANDERING.

I don’t know if Tim Ryan is the best candidate to become Minority Leader but it IS worth considering “hey uh, Nancy Pelosi, as the face of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives, has lost a majority in Congress and hasn’t really shown any ability to recruit new members or protect vulnerable members”

Balthazar? Axel? Afton? That’s quite enough now, please stop.

Having a government that actually backs up what they say, that actually says we’re going to support infrastructure, we’re going to support job creation, we’re going to support growth

No, that was Dubya’s America, since the odious practice of corralling protesters into restricted areas where their protests would cause no disruptions to the regular business of America — which, in this case, is “fearmongering about immigrants to gain an unbreakable majority that then systematically destroys the

Literally, let’s put a end cap on this fucking year. Someone please blow this fucking useless rock into the sun.

Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,

Mr. President,

We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.

I’m so pissed that James Comey forced her to set up her own email server, in defiance of the rules.

Hillary was a terrible choice, and they were warned over and over again. Now there isn’t enough decency in the Clintoncrats to face the fact that they were wrong.

Thank you. Wake up, Jezebel readers! Do you have no memory of Albright’s past actions?

Honest question: people here lambasted Trump supporters who said they would not accept the results if Clinton won, that she’s never be their president, etc. How is it okay to say that about Trump? I have not heard any allegations about rigging, fraud, or other hijinks going on to push a Trump victory. I mean, as much

Pretty much! It’s amazing, isn’t it?

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.