a player who almost definitely did what he was accused of
a player who almost definitely did what he was accused of
Now this is how your execute a take-down.
Much of the government was founded on the very principle of dominating black individuals. The nation was figuratively and literally built on the backs of black (and native american) slaves. The path to national acceptance for many demographics that once faced discrimination (Irish) was predicated on black antipathy.…
Lana is a literal godess who Nicki, Taylor, Beyonce, Rihanna, and Katy should fall down and worship. She makes better pop music than everyone Jezebel hypes (and everyone Jezebel hates). We are not worthy of her.
Not to mention, Milwaukee doesn’t want him to get hurt still playing for the Mets while he’s now their player. Which, because it’s the Mets, is far more likely than one would think.
If you’re seriously making a joke about the POTUS you really need to learn what Communism means. Maybe take a world history class, they can be surprisingly interesting.
Why the eagerness to hold Joan and Cherie responsible for a brutal rape? They were there or they weren’t, and if they were there I certainly hope they didn’t tease Jackie about it. But even if they did, the criminal is the rapist. I fully understand Jackie being hurt and holding a grudge if it all went down as she…
I’m shocked the guy with a mohawk, tank top, and hipster glasses didn’t try to step in.
These fox scum bags do not give one solitary fuck about these people. This has got to be the most exploitative thing I’ve seen on here in a long time.
Seriously watch soaked in bleach and you will change your mind
Thanks for linking to that...interesting and hilarious! “History becomes elastic every time Courtney Love opens her mouth.”
did he really have stomach issues that led to him using heroine and perhaps drove him to suicide? maybe not
I am so done with this. I can no longer see any cop without immediately feeling suspicion and revulsion. How many times do we need to see police terrorizing their communities before we do something?
Hey! I hope we’re all gradually coming into this thread as we watch the show at our own paces. I’m three episodes deep (and scared of spoilers on the other article), loving the season, loved the monologue! Boo is consistently amazing and some of my favorite moments in TV shows are the ones where two characters who…
I don’t speak for all trans people but for me before I transitioned and the immediate period after I was focused mostly upon appearance. I thought, yes, I have permission now to wear this pretty outfit or makeup.
“Roger had never even heard of Zimbabwe before I told him about this.”
Ahem...well it’s right up there with Frances Bean asking for independence...right? Or maybe the court decided:
I think most of the Courtney Love hate comes from her track record... after all, she did punch Kathleen Hanna in the face.