
Partisan hacks from either of the two parties should be treated equally.

Since the sell off Gawker has veered into the MSNBC sewer of partisan bullshit.

The term Berniebro is why HRC lost the election. You shouldn’t demonize half the electorate and half of your base for having a penis. It’s not a good strategy to alienate potential supporters.

She ran the campaign like a fantasy football team.

What does them being “white” have to do with it?

It looks like Fallujah all over again.

What the fuck does this have to do with Julian Assange?

This is where we draw the line? At Obama? He’s great but Trump is scum? So when Trump expands on all the precedents Obama started (droning US citizens, locking up whistleblowers, deporting millions of immigrants) where y’all going to stand on Obama’s legacy? Libya, Syria a total mess; skyrocketing healthcare costs;

He took the photos. He owns the photos. End of story.

Tell me about your loser moderate centrist party and their out of touch economic agenda and their corrupt and hated standard bearer who lost the election. Tell me about how they ignored all the warnings from rank and file party members because they were too busy toasting HRC’s victory before election day. Fuck the

Any poor or working class or middle class voter voting for HRC or Trump were voting against their own interests. No one said anyone has to be perfect. The choice was between stage 4 cancer and full blown AIDS.

The best compared to what? The Nazi party? Democrats have been shitting on blue collar workers since Bubba took over the party. The take the left, unions, African Americans and gays for granted. It’s pure demographic blackmail. “Vote for democrats because we’re a smidgen less cruel than republicans” is not a good

Obamacare really sucks for the people not poor enough for medicare and not wealthy enough to afford a decent health plan.

That quote makes me puke in my mouth every time I read it. It’s not about policy or ideals with these fucks; its only about demographics and pleasing their fundraisers.

Democratic Party is dead. Schumer and Pelosi are part of the problem and always have been. They think they can just play gotcha politics with Trump and win in 2020 without offering a smidgen of a progressive economic platform. Now is the time to see a real party for progressives and the left. The Dems are the

Horrible film. Embarrassing to watch.

And the world is round. Death and taxes. Air to breath....

How about a press conference?

poor you

keep drinking the kool-aid.