
Not my wedding, but I have two younger brothers. The middle brother got married three years ago at the age of 22 when my youngest brother was a few months shy of 19. My youngest brother is the bro to end all bros but when he was standing up there as the Best Man HE UGLY CRIED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE CEREMONY. He made

During WWII, my grandmother lived around the corner from the Basilica in Baltimore. The priests knew she was a nurse and therefore worked weird hours, so they’d call her apartment all times of the day to ask if she could come around the corner and be a “bridesmaid” (ie, witness) for the quickie weddings of servicemen

I cried at my wedding as soon as I saw my wife walking down the aisle. I also cried the first time I heard my daughter’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, when I found out she was a girl, the first time that I held her, and sometimes when I rock her to sleep.

I’m seeing so much hate for buying off registry.

We’re not even married yet, and I’m so touched by the engagement presents. Since we don’t have a registry yet, they’re all “off registry.” We’ve gotten some amazing, heartfelt things, like a set of yellow teacups that I just stare and stare at. And stack-able cups that

I feel that I need to post this repeatedly, just so people can get the point.

i will keep posting this until it comes true

so sorry about your blockbuster membership

But, that's dishonest. Presumably you liked your ex, at least at first, and thought she was cool and attractive and all that. When you pretend that's not true, you're establishing that what you say to your girlfriend is a filtered and spun version of the truth, because she knows better than to think you dated someone

My husband and I got these rose tattoos (our wedding song was also "Rose Tattoo" by Dropkick Murphys) based on a painting I did. The painting had "til death do us part" in a banner between the 2 roses but I thought it was too literal for a wedding tattoo, so we omitted it. We wanted to get coordinating, not *matching*

Husband designed them. Mimics the art on the back on our first stove in our first kitchen that we shared together. We love to cook, eat and entertain.

Husband and I secretly eloped in Key West, came back with fancy new rings and coordinates of the beach we got hitched on.

Racist? Come on, Samer. This dog doesn't even see color.

My fantastic friends helped me make approximately 80 burlap-wrapped invitations. They all came out wonderful and no one fought.

The invitations to my November 2001 wedding were mailed on September 10, 2001. The wedding venue? Windows on the World.

The vendor should have told the bride, "Hey, we ran out of the doilies you liked. Here are some other options, so pick one, and I'll cut 20% off the cost of doing the remaining ones." That's how you fix a screw up as a vendor.

There were 1500 comments on this week's post—there was no way to go through all of them. In the previous weeks I have read them all, and I do not automatically choose the most starred. This week's selection does not reflect the most starred or most replied-to, either.

"He was resistant, saying that he felt marriage was for people who were "grown up" which to him meant not reliant on insane loans and handouts from our parents."