
As a guy, I want to thank you for this article. I've never dealt with the kind of silencing and shaming that these women dealt with as a result of their decision to come forward. I probably never will. But having that process explained in all its particulars is enlightening and appalling. Reading about the lawyer who

I love quiche.

Everything you say is really backhanded and I hope you realize that that's obvious

I will be the first to admit that I'm a little touchy about this. I'm 21, an extraordinarily fortunate in that I have parents willing and able to pay for my education and living needs. I have a great relationship with them too. The boyfriend is in the same boat. Really, my biggest issue is being considered lazy,

Really, just to be humble. Not a pushover, humble.

"Sorry about that. Here, have some blankets..."

And he and Emma Thompson are married IRL!! They met while making Sense & Sensibility and are my favorite power couple in the entirety of creation

Just hearsay and allegations. And I signed a plea-bargain. Once again, not true.

Adam Carolla has a perfect line about situations like this:

Nobody in the NFL, Roger? Mortensen just making shit up, is he? McManus too? Roger Goodell, moral arbiter of justice, wielder of both big mouth AND big stick, with a whole security team full of goons at his beck and call, didn't have anybody take a gander at a video everyone who followed this knew existed, when TMZ

Reasons The Ravens and the NFL Stopped Trying To Obtain Elevator Video, Ranked

Burn your sources. They used you to smear the victim of a violent assault. SET THEM ON FIRE.

Oh really? So she can't have a great-paying job or a husband or kids or have a fulfilling life from this point, we're just going to send her to Skid Row?

If you made a Venn Diagram of the worst traits of Jerry Jones, Mike Brown, and Al Davis, Dan Synder would reside in the dead center.