It’s not about borders any more, it’s about who can get the whole piece of the cake.
It’s not about borders any more, it’s about who can get the whole piece of the cake.
...doesn’t sound like that was their motive at all. did you read the article?
My 90-year old grandfather still goes to the gym five days a week. In his case, it’s inspiring and sweet because he’s trying to maintain whatever health he can. And he has no delusions about being a body builder or athlete.
Doctors are way more lax about this shit than moms are.
Give him a break, maybe he thought that the Direct Ungravitated Missile Bombardment Attack Satellite System was already public knowledge.
You don’t just waltz in and drive a BONE. The guy manning the stick is a pro. They all are.
Them duke boy are gonna be in a whole heap of trouble.
Ha! Sorry to say but the Workshop is being shuttered. It’s been a great run and thanks for all of your insightful comments.
I believe what he actually said was “Everyone hath a plan until they get punthed in the mouth.”
Windshield washer nozzle
I daresay there’s correlation as well as causation. It sets a culture of “screwing off on our time is ok, because we’re going to make obscene demands of yours.”
I can’t wait for the detailed explanation on how this monster could break free from its moorings.
It’s okay. It’s somewhere between the East Bank and not funny.
Okay, let’s be honest here. Stadium Super Trucks is the real world equivalent of the Ridge Racer series. Jumps, drifitng, powerslides, noise, violence, and a questionable physics engine.
I have also been lied.
If you’re going to go out with a bang, the ACR is a HELL of a bang!
@jzroll: That's why I found it. How else do you find a god damn IDE drive?