
I purchased an old pc through craigslist. It was a custom built beast, just 5 years old by then. Anyway, I could not get audio out of the front or rear mini jack. I eventually figured out that the front audio jack was shorted, so that it would not put out sound but would disconnect the rear jack as if it were

These Humphrey manlifts look a heck of a lot safer than the tiny-stepped on in the OP's pic.

Ok, this is insane. Makes the paternoster look like a sidewalk. What country is this exactly, and what are these crazy devices called?

Dude, you can't argue with results. Try looking at the buttoned-down approach as a symbol/symptom of the very bureaucratic approach to everything in NASA. Now, look as SpaceX as a company that is concerned with results and profit.

It likely was a kit. I got a similar kit from Ace Hardware to treat our big, old single-pane picture window. I'm not sure about $ savings, but I can say that our living room is a much warmer place in the winter now. Stays a little cooler in the summer, but winter is where this plastic makes the biggest difference.

Dude, Nick, that is a great idea. I have used med-specific discount programs in the past. I will definitely talk to my pharmacist.

This is very timely for me. I have a chronic condition that is well controlled with about $300/month of meds. These pills have no side effects whatsoever, aside from being bloody expensive. They are about as exciting as watching your grandpa sleep.

How timely. Tonight I am making a double batch of homemade toaster strudels. I was going to do one batch with strawberry jelly and one with egg/ham/cheese. However, I think I will do this omelet thing for the protein and 2 batches of fruit strudels.

Zero. With a few apps pinned to the taskbar and Win-type to search for any app I need, they are unnecessary.

Ice = ice crystal. If you think this is incorrect, find me ice that is not crystalline and I'll take it back.

At first I was all like "no way" then I looked closer and I was like "Holy Crap Kdub360 is right!"

How many people have really told you that their cases make their phone beautiful? I imagine it's not many.

I get what you are saying, but adding scrap metal to a nitrogen bomb? Really. Bad. Idea. That's called a grenade.

I have heard the helicopter story, from a guy who claimed to have been there (and might have been).

Well thanks!

I love slushies. Definitely doing this.

You are correct that the temperature of the ice is not stuck at 32 F, but whatever the freezer temp is. However, the starting temp of the ice does not matter. What matters is the melting temperature.

Since you like Picasa, as do I, did you know that they have unlimited storage below a certain file size? I believe that all pictures that are less than 2048 pixels on the longest edge do not count against your storage. Picasa web albums is the same as google+ now, so you need to make sure you have your sharing set the

I like that in a gender-unspecified internet commenter entity.

Mom? What are you doing being featured on io9?! Again!