Or for them.
Or for them.
being fair, college students are mostly fucking idiots who think everything is built against them
I’m laughing because did anyone expect them to answer this poll differently? Of course they’re going to say this lol.
but a study that polled the presidents of hundreds of higher educational institutes
Behind the safety on the Internet, I’m going to bitch about a former classmate who was so surprised at the homeless population he had to walk past to his downtown studio (from a cool political function he just had to name drop) that he declared the city should do something about it.
I think the lawyer means that he was never legally accused of rape and the was never accused publicly by the woman.
I appreciate everyone jumping on the concern wagon now... but a couple similar stories have been published in the past couple years and no one seemed to care then. This became big when the Casey Kasem thing was going down - but again, no one really cared.
If you can get paid for writing articles in response to stupid Reddit posts, your job security is going to be fantastic.
After you guys avenge the iditarod dog that was killed, will you also be seeking out justice for the remaining dogs who are forced to drag around a guy and his camping gear for 1000+ miles?
Um...yeah...that ball was still in his hand at the buzzer.
It’s so romantic when a couple saves themselves for their second marriage.
Lebron: (Gives interview above)
“I definitely would have done that thing I don’t have to do because the deal didn’t happen, because I care about winning,” said the player who’s supremely conscious of his public image.....
You raise a good point. Either we want our sports league’s to play police or we don’t. Gotta pick one.
so pretty much everyone has said no rape occurred except for deadspin (and jezebel, predictably)...am i getting that right?
I’m not even disagreeing with your general point (because: WHAT IF HE DID DO IT?!?!?!), but still...Is it okay, in any sense of the word, to defend someone you believe to be innocent? Obviously (or maybe hopefully), the NHL would change their tune if evidence were to come out in the future implicating him in this. The…
That’s a far cry from “The Blackhawks need to terminate him now!” rants when the allegations came out.
Salaried employees are basically working Leap Day for free. We work an extra day, paycheck stays the same. Shouldn’t Leap Day be a national holiday?
I think what’s really amazing is so many of us are believing her story of taking a 4-6 week medication for ten years that totally unbeknownst to her is a performance enhancer.
I’m glad that my life isn’t so empty that the free time I have away from work and taking care of my family aren’t squandered by being a huge asshole in a video game.