
But wouldn’t it be hilarious if his fans all did start showing up wearing orange, like his face, to support him?

No, you see, by “standing up” they don’t mean being a bitch and trying to destroy the poor guy’s life, they mean quietly quitting your job and keeping it to yourself, like a strong, independent, and classy woman. Also if you can stay inside your house that would be great, your husband can do all the outside stuff for

I’m trying to get this straight, but I’m a woman so I’m a little confused. Please help.

if he does, he should start with a pair of eyebrows.

Need some tax returns to confirm this!

It's like they can't land on the decent, non-shitty opinion on anything. Not even by accident. How is this possible?

So.. you’re telling me we could have had TASSELS?!

Cost of Aborting a Fetus - $$$
Cost of Raising a Ward of the State to Adulthood and then possible Incarceration Due to Inadequate Social Support -

You are definitely correct about the abuse part. The sneering mysogny directed at “woman only voting for her because Clinton has a vagina” is very apparent in discourse these days.

I’m really excited for many reasons. But, when you say it, you end up dealing with vitriol all the day long. It’s tiring.

I’m excited to see Hillary Rodham Clinton nominated. And I know a lot of women who are. And when we say it we get abused. So we don’t say it.

So do you really think that they did not have an open marriage? I always figured that Hillary was pissed when Bill’s fucking around became public because it subjected her to public humiliation but that they had clear understanding and that included being non-monogamous. And if she was not going to leave him, why

Good for you! It’s wearing as fuck being told all the time to lighten up (I hear that one a lot too!) and basically being gaslighted into feeling like you’re overreacting by simply being offended by truly offensive shit! I don’t have kids but it’s really heartening to hear there are parents like you working so hard to

As a Clinton supporter I say good riddance DWS, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. You failed at your job: both in getting down ticket candidates elected and apparently in being unbiased during the primary process. We need to unify as a party, enough of this nonsense.

Clarification is important. It is a vile act in any case, but the distinction (“Syrian refugee kills woman” vs “man murders partner”) makes a difference in the lives of other innocent people.

I hope they can never find another woman willing to work there. They will, but it's not what I want.

Ikr? The fact that this isn’t talked about more is evidence imo that women are second class citizens, even among liberals, where the issues that the bros care about got a lot of play, but not reproductive rights, in fact most brogressives aren’t even aware of what’s been happening in the states around reproductive

So glad this was overturned, but this is why people need to know how evil Mike Pence is. I’m a pregnant American (8 weeks) who miscarried before, cases like this are terrifying and highlight that Republicans don’t see pregnant women as humans, they see us as mouthy flesh sacks encasing a potential future voter. Guess

Having access to birth control has to be seen as a civil right. I’m tired of people using their religion as an excuse to deny women and girls access to birth control.

Soooo... When does the mandetory testing of women who miscarry begin? Or will we just be making that straight up illigal?