
I mean, she’s just 25 years old. She probs didn’t want to get married when she was a teenager...long courtships are good for young people, IMO. How the heck do you know if you want to marry someone when you’re still getting to know yourself?

PS: My husband and I were engaged after 8 months, but we were olds by then and

I turn 37 in a few months, I guess I better start looking at walkers and walk-in bathtubs.

I was diagnosed with BPD at around the same age Pete is - I also thought I had an addiction problem but it was masking deeper issues. Knowing his childhood trauma issues it is not surprising. My BPD has actually totally cleared up as it does for most sufferers with age. I had to work on getting to the source of my own

BPD (borderline personality disorder) is the MOST stigmatized mental illness. I worked in mental health for several years and even my supervisors would tell me to be careful around clients with BPD in ways they’d never suggest even with clients who experience schizoaffective disorder. It’s truly upsetting the way

Just because someone has a mental illness does not mean they can’t be happy

I think the reality is, Kanye told her about part of the song, not the whole thing (and the phone calls seem to confirm this), he didn’t necessarily do that intentionally to mislead her, but she felt mislead and reacted. I think Kim missed the nuance of Taylor being ok with some of it, but not all of it, and felt like

She does not like public displays of affection because she is “old-world and European”

So the men’s shitty behavior is somehow the women’s fault? Fuck clean off with that, you dolt.

If a non-single man has entered into a social contract with his partner that he will not visit strippers, and then he DOES visit strippers and make use of their services, that’s all on that dude and literally no one else. Feel about sex workers (and people who pay them for their time) however you want I guess

Blah Blah Blah

Yes I wonder 🤔

“her dad” ??

This is more of a me breaking up with him, but still a really good one. I had a boyfriend who was finishing up law school, and so naturally I thought his future employment prospects were pretty good. As his last semester was finishing up, we agreed that he would move in with me and I would financially support us while

What’s insane is that she must have called the paper with the story. How did she not realize that this made her look like a monster?

From a meta-level U.S.-centric perspective, this is story demonstrates to me one more time how fucking backward the U.S. is on gender.

Can we talk about how her husband is planning to be a stay at home dad to support her important work leading a country? Ambitious women need men (and extended family support) who are willing to play a domestic role if we are going to be able to have families and reach our goals.

This. Pregnancy’s not an illness, for fuck’s sake. At least not in the majority of cases. People need to stop acting like women can’t get on with their lives while knocked up.

LW, from someone who’s been there: He will never change. It will only get worse. Leave now before he seriously hurts you. Go to for resources and help if you need to—and/or to your friend who’s been telling you to leave him! (There’s [almost] always a friend who sees it before you do.)

So what you are saying is they Don’t Speak?

i have not seen this show and do not plan to (because i am very busy re-watching the entirety of pretty little liars for the 8th time) but i just want to say that gael garcia bernal is one of the most beautiful men alive.