
The former waitress, who said she has been unemployed since 2004, spoke in a soft voice and told the judge she is receiving Social Security disability assistance.

OMG Jen from Appleton is such a bitch!

I have extreme HIV test anxiety. I can’t imagine having a test done in front of a crowd. I hope it does show people how simple the test is.

But not really;

So... you might be the problem?

Just if you wanted to see what she would have had to gone through to get one in TN:

this is what happens when help is not available.

this is what happens when help is not available.  

Jean Chrétien was by no means a favourite of mine but he was fucking savage to GW Bush during his presidency. Trudeau needs to take a page from that book.

I sincerely hope Trudeau doesn’t fuck it up. I get that he probably felt it was wiser to toe the line with the opening congratulatory notice to Trump, but when push comes to shove, he’s going to have to have more spine than the “shared values” bullshit he touted last week. I really hope he sees that we too are at a

This is all, horrifyingly, true.


I posted a pic of the “Not My President” sign that’s in my window and a lot of people on here gave me shit about it. You can respect the law (yes, he is my president) while symbolically rejecting everything the man stands for (no, he will never be my president). Good for these kids. Once the dust is settled I hope

Make sure you watch just this episode if you are feeling not so great about the future. They are extraordinarily well put together and often devastating. I love Black Mirror, but other than this episode- not today.

It’s the closing credits from ‘San Junipero’, the masterpiece 4th episode of the superb, recently released 3rd season of Black Mirror. It’s on Netflix.

It’s because we don’t have popular vote. The Electoral College is a form of voter suppression.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

And speaking for the people who needs resources, because I am one of them, please, if you know that someone is in need, like an abused woman, children who do not have food, etc., please, and only if you can, try to give them money directly, sometimes, these organizations are full and you need to wait months for