Alleged Accomplice

Maybe the democratic candidate shouldn’t go around saying she is going to end your employment and leave you with nothing but government benefits. Maybe your candidate should head her butt to Michigan or Wisconsin and tell them what policies she is going to use so that they are gainfully employed again.

They give a shit if its a stadium doing the killing but with solar or wind power killing assloads of birds fucking prog/socialist/environuts don’t care.

You Progs/commies carry for you reasons and we will carry for our reasons. Hell in most cases none of us will see the other since both sides have segregated ourselves from the other. I no longer even travel to prog states. I damn sure don’t vacation in one of them when I get a vacation.

If Oreilly had used these rules he’d still be on the air. You want Pence to change so you can accuse him of fucking or sexually harrassing women thats all you lefties care about. You got Bill but I bet many conservative men in politics adopt these rules after seeing what happened to Oreilly.

This guy is a guy most republicans or conservatives make fun of, you can watch Pat Gray do it on Glenn Becks program nearly every day and then he also does it on Pat and Stu. They all do it but Pat has the imitation down, well, pat.

I never understood this exactly and I never trust progressives/democrats. Lately I’ve read more about it. That being said sometimes when I hear the prog arguments about this I agree.

The blue states already act like the confederacy, those sanctuary laws are one of those things that are just like what the confederacy did.

I like winning with the inferior stuff or the stuff that should not work. Its like taking a screw out with a hammer instead of a scew driver but I’ve never played these type of games so what Kirk is talking about may be very important in the game.

The old old system was better. Plus the name was better, they should have bought the name Winston from whoever it belongs to.

Don’t do these two things, come here illegally+commit crimes and you are basically free as a bird. Just show up illegally? hell you probably aren’t going anywhere, just don’t steal an identity, we have enough of that shit without you.

“Noticeably absent from this universally hilarious cohort of comedic targets: Trump and his entire administration, Breitbart, Republicans in general, cops, corporations”

At least he has managed to keep his grill from being covered.

I don’t get along with cops but I saw no guns pulled.

Well we now have proposals to get rid of both the EPA and the education dept. Democrats might just go along the the education department since Betsy Devos got the job, they hate her because they have to, would lose that teachers union money otherwise. They can still get teachers union money even without the education

When my brother was in the Navy, I can’t rmember the port they had a ride like that but the floor dropped out so you were being held up because it was spinning so fast, fat guy fell out when the floor dropped, not going fast enough to hold him.

If this were a federal judge Sessions might have some way of doing something but it is not and he’s elected not appointed. Now, we have to remember the hoaxes that have been perpetrated lately. Is this real?

All the lefty companies come out against Trump is what this should have headlined as.

Humm, most of the third world like places in the US exist in the states you want in your spearate unions

We have enough people, of all kinds. Green card holders of course should have been left out of the order but Bannon, be an asshole, had them put in. When we have jobs for people then maybe some could come in but mostly they are being shipped in by the democratic party to provide voters for their failed, failing

I’m not a Duke hater but it is time just to cast this moron off. He can go work at the grocery store or something, he’s the Johnny Manziel of basketball.