All your car are belong to us

Architects finally driven mad by the lack of Saabs.

How about we stop freaking out about having a completely bezel-less design and just leave enough room on the face of the phone for the non-screen things that make sense there? I’d MUCH rather have stereo front-facing speakers than an extra 30 pixels of screen width.

Urban millennial here, who is actually interested in buying a premium motorcycle in the next few years: Harleys are tainted in our demographic.

This with a couple sets of wheels, pallets of Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 rubber, and a few stacks of PCCBs. Then install a hardwired K40 radar detection system paired with a Valentine One stuck to the windscreen.

Hate this shit. Back in the day graffiti writers were excited when their work got up in films or whatever. Now you got these “street artists” commissioned and paid to do work in public spaces who then feel like they own the copyright to that public space.

I'm not saying idiots with 88 in their handle are all Nazi pedos, but I have yet to meet one who wasn't. So... 

Why do people think this? This is not remotely true; even if ten million members have standard memberships that they refresh every year, that’s only $600 million to a company that makes billions a year. That is in no way shape or form “more than on the products”. Even if they only earned ten percent off of the

Generally, Japanese society is rather lenient towards the lack of manners of foreigners.

Do you know why it’s gone? All you “enthusiasts” who ask me to bring these to the NA market and then buy a CVT Kia Soul instead because you suddenly remember you’re 39 years old 215lbs, make $65K a year and have a wife, 2 kids and a dog.

Just when i thought Harleys couldn’t get more annoying, they found a way to install giant sound system on the bikes.  

Curious what Russia is doing about the situation...

President Trump believes he can apply tariffs to punish other nations/trading blocs without retaliation which to say is a miscalculation is a rather large understatement.

Heres’s a guide to Trump’s foreign policy. First, think - what would Putin want?

he does, however, live in a Tudor house - one in the front, one in the back.

Okay, I am not gonna say streaming isn’t a real job, but you do realize that describes almost every job ever, don’t you? Most of us are doing all of the things you just mentioned, for a fraction of the money and none of the fame.

Hold on, let me find my tiny fiddle to play for the guy that lost $80,000 a month in income for playing games online in front thousands of fans. Oh darn, I don’t have time because I also have a full time job that doesn’t pay nearly as well, requires being at the office for 50-60 hours a week plus an extra 10 or so

I know the venture capital industry well. They don’t lose money, because they typically have a 2 & 20 contract. They get an annual 2% of the total amount invested, plus 20% of the profits.

To be fair, most people who want lower taxes have absolutely no idea how anything at all works beyond their ability to complain about lower taxes. If you showed them a state, township, or even federal government spending chart their eyes would immediately glaze over and they’d be thinking about season 48 of America’s

“I know what I have”