All Corgis All the Time

She also messed up her words before she lost them. “Her first caress...”

I have fainted, and I definitely did experience 30 seconds or so immediately before where things felt very strange and my thoughts clouded up, so I guess it could go either way.

Anytime I’ve fainted I’ve been able to at least say to people around me “I’m about to pass out” and then I proceed to do just that.

Yeah! I don’t think that was an overheated moment - “Is she having a stroke?” was my first reaction upon watching that.

Why a warrant now, 9 months after the alleged narcotics?

My apologies in advance for the caps

I’m an immigration attorney and I’ve worked with lots of unaccompanied immigrant kids at shelters. Their circumstances (coming to the US alone) tend to correlate with very very limited education. I am 99% sure she didn’t write this, although I’m sure it reflects her thoughts.

Right. I mean I know people don’t want their bubble burst, but let’s apply our critical eye equally, as we would want others to do. Doesn’t diminish ANY of the righteousness or great legal work executed here.

English is unlikely to be her first language, and it literally says “statement via her guardian” at the top. That could mean that she wrote it and the guardian just provided it to the press, but that’s probably not the case. Nevertheless, I hope it represents her feelings and wishes, because it is really a great

Lisa Bloom and Kathy Griffin were just in the news with a kerfuffle about Kathy Griffin not sticking to her script at a press conference. If lawyers wrote a script for someone who talks for a living, I don’t know why it’s shocking that they’d prepare a statement for a teenage client who’s clearly going through a lot?

No it’s not. PR flacks write 99 percent of the “statements” you read. I believe it is still an accurate representation of her sentiments and I support her completely.

I’m not doubting her, but I’ve worked in the business of crafting legal statements on behalf of clients and this is probably one. It doesn’t diminish the fact that the sentiments are her own.

“...they made me see a doctor that tried to convince me not to abort and to look at sonogram...”

Nicki is successful enough that she’s probably given her mother enough money over the years for her mother to already have had her own savings to bail him out with.

“strong and constitutionally legitimate interests in promoting childbirth”

I admire the chutzpah it takes to try to make a buck off your famous sibling and call THEM Pushy.

So it seems that while with the previous Royal marriage most were obsessed with the sister’s arse this one will just have a half-sister who is an arse.

He’s not attractive at all and has the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy?

Didn’t she also date Seth McFarlane? I think she simply has terrible taste in men.

IDK anything about Charlize, but I wonder what she saw in him. She’s fierce and gorgeous and made of liquid gold. Him not so much.