All Corgis All the Time

Before I was diagnosed, my iron was so low they thought I had cancer. And I was eating non-stop because I was starving all of the time, which was making everything worst, etc etc. It was brutal.

I’ve never seen them in the stores around here.

I didn’t like Daura. I’d rather Glutenberg or Bard’s over it, though Omission is still my favourite.

Jesus. I’m so sorry. The only reason I can even cheat is because I can stay hydrated enough. If I was vomiting both ends? Hell, I’d be in the hospital.

I don’t know how else to describe it! I feel like all of my internal organs are coming out of me.

I don’t mind that toasted. I really like their everything bagels, but impossible to find here. Whenever the store gets them in, I buy all of them. ALL OF THEM.

I tried Glutenberg red,which I think was a mistake. It was decent, but it started to turn me off by mid-can. I’m going to try another type.

If you do Red Robin’s, ask for the fries in the fries-only fryer. Sometimes, when super busy, they put the fries in the shared fryer.

I get the blllleeeeeh for about 5 days, but I rarely throw up. It’s the shits and gut rot of death. But, I can keep down enough liquid not to end up in the hospital. Man, if I threw up, I’d be toast, though.

Don’t start throwing up body. Don’t start.

A chocolate covered, cream-filled eclair. Oh god. In the early days, I broke down sobbing in the bakery section of the grocery store...

Red Robin’s gluten free buns in Canada are decent. They have no taste, but their texture doesn’t make me dry heave.

That is honestly me and my husband, right there

The pill is being made in Canada.

My dr was talking to me about it last year. She said it was to let us get away with a beer or a slice of pizza. Kinda like lactaid for us.

I am so very sorry.

There shouldn’t be animosity. People get sick. It’s not one or the other: death shits from damaged villi or all the bread, all the time.

Everyone acts like FODMAP is just cabbage and garlic, when it’s still putting people on a gluten-free diet ffs!

Fuck the villi.

I hate bunless burgers or lettuce wrap burgers. I’d rather not have it at all. I was never much of a meat eater like that; I ate burgers for the condiments and bread, not the meat.

I also get horrible anemia, but I’d have to keep eating it, and I’m not going to do that!