
you know, part of being a fighter is an almost unbearable level of arrogance, right? When Ali was in his prime, he was the cockiest dickhole of all time. Mayweather Jr, same thing, go down the list. Using arrogance as your reason she’s like “Hitler”, aside from being so heavy handed and far reaching it shouldn’t

CJ Entus also just parted ways with Space, as well. Korea is, once again, flipping on its head. Who still has even money on SKT for worlds?

This reads like you've never played a fallout before. I play kb + m and have zero problems. I've played all the fallouts this way and have never had problems. The interface isn't pretty, but it works. It always has worked.

i enjoy the “this is a Karthus Buff”.

“Paid for by Blue Microphones”

i hope you’re going to write an article how Doublelift was fired from CLG last night and joined TSM a few hours later...i feel like that might be bigger news than the expected win from SKT, lol.

I’ll tell you the same thing i told the other butthead. “thats season 1 TSM, yes...but the classic TSM that is always looked upon fondly is that team i listed. No real TSM fan (which i’m not) cares about when TheRainMan was on the team...bc if you want to go TRULY “Old TSM” its Saint, Oddone, Regi, Locodoco and

thats season 1 TSM, yes...but the classic TSM that is always looked upon fondly is that team i listed. No real TSM fan (which i’m not) cares about when TheRainMan was on the team...bc if you want to go TRULY “Old TSM” its Saint, Oddone, Regi, Locodoco and Chaox...TheRainMan didn’t even make it to a full season. He

Old TSM? That was TSM season 4. That’s not old TSM. Old TSM is Dyrus, Regi, Oddone, Chaox and Xpecial.

Full HD, maybe 5 years ago. 4k or GTFO, peasant!

the custom mini’s kickstarter was legit, i got my mini as expected. Reaper has done a bunch, all were million dollar funds and all have, thus far, been mailed out. for me, i back projects with a name i recognize and trust. Reaper i already knew, massive chalice, i knew who the dev was on it, and he had a very good

PS - this was a staged pentakill. you see zac walk back into the direction of it. Not to mention, when they’re tanking the laser, they’re trading off to get lower health so the incoming Ez ult is fatal. Completely garbage and the fact that it’s getting facetime on media makes me even more angry.

ESPN televised the world series of poker. So people are watching other people play cards. Is he making fun of that? In fact, I even believe Jimmy Kimmel was on a celebrity poker game, that was televised. I don’t care for all the “hate/kill yourself” comments, but the ignorance is fairly profound. Do research. As

ok, this is more computer related than buying video games per say, but it applies. So i build my own computers, have for years. I was having a problem with my system some years ago, tried many, many things to fix it, asked a ton of people, checked various tech sites and message boards, everyone was stumped. As a last

thats good to know. I live in central jersey as well...who do you have? Comcast, Verizon or Optimum?

based on the team they have, the way they played, even the games they won, they played WAY below their level the entire split. No one can argue that. Yes they won, but they were sneaking by teams they should have dominated. The quality of their players vs. the quality of their play had a HUGE gap between them. NA’s

The problem was TSM hasn’t played well, pretty much the entirety of the Summer split. To expect that, because a few weeks of solid play towards the end, they would immediately vault back into “world class” status, is foolish. CLG, on the other hand, had been playing VERY well, and didn’t “back in” to the finals. As

I can assure you they don’t bring in as much revenue as you think. They most help their sponsors, themselves and their teams. Riot makes money either way, if hai is a pro or a nothing.