How would this compare to, say, a Nexus 5/7 running Kali Nethunter?
How would this compare to, say, a Nexus 5/7 running Kali Nethunter?
You know what would be awesome? Doing this, but with RGBA strips and a Raspberry Pi or Arduino to simulate sunset/sunrise.
My wife actually texted that to me last week. It was a fantastic write-up, and mostly true.
Sounds more like a Kotaku review.
Listened to two Stacks. Was extremely disappointed by all but maybe three of the tracks. Sad day.
Alright, now we need a hack where somebody integrates this into IFTTT. A physical Do button? Yes, please!
What about NetHunter? The Kali team said in the blog post about the Kali 2.0 update that NetHunter has been updated as well.
That was never fun. I always hated how sticky I got when eating watermelon.
I’ve never seen any noticeable issues with my Logitech Bluetooth Touchpad. I’d much prefer that everything be Bluetooth, with very minor latency, than have to waste one of my laptop’s two USB ports for a keyboard and mouse.
There’s a jailbreak tweak by the name LinkOpener that does the same thing, but better. It automatically redirects you to the correct app, instead of requiring a share sheet.
I’ve been using this as my main weather app for a few months now. It’s fantastic, although it usually says the high is a bit lower than Apple’s own weather app claims, for what it’s worth.
Rather than running a separate app in addition to Spotlight, this program integrates with and modifies Spotlight. I think it functions similar to the way a jailbreak tweak does, although I could be wrong as I know nothing about the code involved.
I would likely be down for buying a few color prints from you. It would really just depend on the price.
Pretty sure he's gonna release an update to download more battery capacity. Kinda like but for batteries!
Especially since it's only 5% after the first $3k/quarter. So if you make an indie game that doesn't take off you likely will pay almost no royalties.
It would be exceptionally cool to figure out a way to mod this to transmit more than just files. Tiny file server and private chat relay? Awesome digital business card? Wifi jammer? All of those would be sweet.
I liked the Japanese video posted a while back better, but this is still a cool video.
If I'm on a family plan and only pay a portion of the bill, will this still apply?
I actually use an app for basically this. It's called Rare Candy, and it essentially turns real life into an RPG. I've been using it for about six months now and it definitely helps me appreciate what I get done, which is awesome.