A Lantern of Hope

Fucking rich people are the fucking worst.

I had been thinking that Elon Musk was a Bond Villain in the making, but maybe his son is the future over-the-top supervillain, and Elon is just his origin story/formational trauma?

Fucking human garbage. 

I would pay good money to kick these two and several million of their truly fucking weird sycophant followers off a mountain.

Watch Rules of the Game by Renior. It’s very funny.

My wife and I watched Amélie for the first time while on vacation two years ago. We were holed up in our Air B&B for 48 hours with horrible food poisoning and there was nothing to do but peruse the owner’s DVD collection. It will live in my memory forever as a (wonderful) movie seen in less than desirable

Go see “City Of Lost Children”.

For your next foray into French cinema, I suggest Pascal Laugier’s Martyrs.

The main problem with the second approach? People tend to know when you’re lying.

And we have a whole year and a half to get used to the idea.

I would particularly be interested to see  how she differentiates Kate and Batwoman, like how there is her normal speaking voice that is nothing like Rosa’s growl 

One of those superhero shows needs to make a movie for Stephanie Beatriz, clearly

How can she do B99, She-Hulk, & Batwoman all at once?

I had to think about it too. I would hate for Rosa to not be on B99 but my god her as Batwoman would be incredible & maybe she is ready for a new challenge like that. Plus if that is seriously what she wants I would support her.

Winter in Vancouver is the mildest in Canada, and markedly milder than a lot of Northern US cities (we even generally get less snow most years than Seattle, pretty much directly South of us, due to the Island shielding us); it’s not just a matter of “Canada cold.”

Gilmore Girls was notorious for sixteen plus hour days, fucking miserable

I know they want to cast someone from the LGBTQ+ community, but I still think they should just slot over Rachel Skarsten so she can play both twins.

It had to have gotten really bad on set if they came to this conclusion as I don’t think any of the DC CW main actors had big series or movie role experience before the shooting started.

In fairness to Rose shooting Batwoman involves predominantly long night shoots, in winter in Vancouver which can’t be much fun.