A Lantern of Hope

When the restrictive social distancing methods everyone’s complaining about is basically a description of how you already live your life.

You may want to talk to somebody about that. 

This guy is radioactive and the damage he has done will last long after he's dead.

There’s this one bastard’s face I want to punch... every time I walk past the mirror.

I do find it somewhat amusing that amongst this conspiracy theory I’ve seen thrown around that the virus was bioengineered to bring about “disaster capitalism” that in fact if you look at most government responses, even the US one to a degree, this virus has been more successful than just about any post ‘08 movement

Refrain from speaking to me.

That’s not Bernie. It’s his team. Bernie doesn’t know how to deal with technology either.

Meanwhile, Bernie has re-purposed his email list, volunteers and fundraising apparatus to raise money for five charities helping people during this pandemic: Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, One Fair Wage Emergency Fund, and the National Domestic

She wasn’t pure enough for the backers of a now twice failed presidential candidate and didn’t fit into the “two old white men shouting” narrative the media prefer.

Remind me again how in the hell Elizabeth Warren lost to him?

“Was Cheddar at a 45-degree angle or 50?”

I appreciate that Holt has a tiny Cheddar figurine on his desk (at the appropriate degree direction, of course).

i may be both a troll, but i’m also a reader and a friend, and thus, i demand an answer.

well, are you going on a facetime date with the governor or not

I fucking love you so, so much Rebecca.

It makes no sense.
Trek has an opportunity to mash this ‘AI is going to inevitably kill us all, or we will destroy AI because we fear it/don’t understand it’ nonsense into oblivion once and for all.

Returning empathy to cosmos by killing trillions?
How does that make any sense whatsoever? That’s no way to achieve

Not only is it a beyond-tired trope (as I said regarding an earlier episode, it’s a trope that was recognised as exhausted by SF writers as early as the 1930s), it’s a fundamentally bigoted one.

I’m still holding out hope that it’s not a Skynet/Reaper scenario. Sutra is intentionally misinterpreting the message. The super synths are not malevolent but Sutra is planning to use them like how Lore used the Crystalline Entity.

I REALLY hate how they took Mass Effect story-line and transposed it here.
For one thing, Trek should be BETTER than that because Gene Roddenberry Federation is exactly based on the premise that Humanity TRANSCENDED current problems and limitations (which it initially did) and Gene (among other people) understood that