
Because had Al Gore been president, we would not have gone to war with Iraq in 2003.

I don’t know if she thought it was good. I recognize what she was going through, I have been in her shoes during auditions a few times, it’s the “hell, this is not going well and I look like a fool, but the only way I am committing to this and holding my head high because the only thing which will humiliate me more is

Also, one of my favorite Jim DeRogatis/Greg Kot “reviews” was after the Dave Matthews Band tour bus driver emptied the bands septic tank while passing over a bridge in downtown Chicago, a bridge which happened to have an architecture tour boat passing underneath at the time. This was when their radio show Sound

Jim DeRogatis is always a pleasure to read. Also, that didn’t seem like a bad review at all, just an honest assessment of the music and not something that would have dissuaded many from buying the record—I always thought “a down-home hippie folksiness, a lilting melodic approach, and, of course, that lazy, elastic

All the pics are of men and all the complaints are from men...does this mean there were more women’s rooms available?

In December, Jackie told The Washington Post in an interview that after several interviews with Erdely, she had asked to be removed from the story, but that Erdely had refused. Jackie told the Post she later agreed to participate on condition that she be allowed to fact-check parts of her story. Erdely said in an

It kindof is...looking at the first two photos, you are primed to think “sci-fi robot” and don’t see a problem with that now-deleted photo. However, when you look at just the deleted photo out of context (which I have heard is how it appeared on Instagram—it was the first she posted with just the comment “what I wish

The revolution is happening and I’m so glad you’ve been here to witness it.

I wish I could give you more than one star

The thing that makes me crazy is that I totally bought into that and DID remain friends with both of them, in part because I wanted to be mature and in part because I was hundreds of miles away and afraid all our mutual friends would choose her over me if I ended our friendship. A few years ago, she got angry with me

I walked in on him in bed with his ex.

Or Kathy is hoping that all the attention can remain centered on Giuliana to avoid the conversation about whether or not the entire idea of pestering female celebrities about who they are wearing on the red carpet and then evaluation them based on their clothes is sexist and past its prime. In many ways, the Zendaya

The thing is, I want Democrats to be better than Republicans. If we say we want transparency, we have to follow through and be transparent. We can't turn around and do exactly the snaky sort of stuff we would pillory our opponents for doing.

OK, I only know this from what I read and recall from news reports of the time (so kid memory and all), but in the 70s and early 80s, there were a lot of prostitutes around Rush/Division and North avenue used to be notorious for streetwalkers.

Mukesh also claimed that executing him and the other men convicted in Jyoti's death will only encourage rapists to kill their victims: "Before, they would rape and say, 'Leave her, she won't tell anyone.' Now when they rape, especially the criminal types, they will just kill the girl. Death."

Rihanna has filled the void in the tabloid-verse when Angelina Jolie was deemed too serious, too motherly, too old by the same tabloid-verse to be a Celebrity Seccubus. Much like the Highlander, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE, but for the needs of the tabloid-verse, THERE MUST BE ONE.

I think the Cardassians might eat the monkey.

To be fair, Ross, like most of the Friends, started out fairly normal. At some point, the writers/producers decided that the spoiled, selfish, narcissistic character (Rachel) was the star and in order to make her look good, all the other main characters had to be turned into caricatures of their original selves—Monica