
Including the sweet shredding on Civilian? Going to have to disagree there.

Only one airport exhibit will rival that for sheer unbelievability: Atlanta's history exhibit that sums up the Civil War with a video of some Union soldiers burning down a black family's farm.

"And there's the bl…" *looks around, lowers voice* "…African-American gentleman's house."

Mr. Stallone, I am starting to think that you want us to overhear this.

You're thinking of Old Bay.

I go with "well, no matter what, at least I'll never be a pedophile."

At first I was mad that the TIE fighter pilots were making Imperial probot noises, but then I realized it's because the probot is flying the fighter, much like R2-D2. I wish it had been one of those little Death Star courier droids, though.

I've never patronized the establishment, but am aware of it for obvious reasons.

"It's more of a steel grate that allows material to sluice through so that it can be collected and exported!"

But humans are responsible for those. Nature would never make those abominations.

I've got to go to bat for the atrociously-named but fantastic Pennsylvania duo: WaWa and Sheetz.

During its death knells, bumpers were billing the show as simply Don't Trust the B__.

The best one: "In the year 2000, 'soy milk' will mean 'I am milk.'"

Hit up the most recent Behemoth album, and Deathspell Omega's excellent Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice. Mayhem's fun, and also just fun to talk about (really, look up the band's history). On the hybrid black metal side, try Agalloch ("black-prog"?), and the aforementioned Deafheaven and Alcest for some "blackened

They could all be supported by petty local despots who feed prisoners to them.

It might have been okay if I hadn't watched Civil War episodes back-to-back.

Incompetently, though.

I doubt it. The music is just not very good. I have some affection for Jonathan Davis' vocalizations still, but most of the genre was pretty uncreative and filled with adolescent angst. If you are of that age, sure it's fitting. I just cannot see many critical listeners of music being down with that scene.

I've always said that P.O.D.'s "Alive" was the "Ashokan Farewell" of its day. In the sense that I never want to hear either of those songs ever again.

The back story there is pretty interesting. Nick Lachey pulled her from freezing water and saved her from hypothermia. She could have been a little clearer with her request.