
White women were not innocent victims of slavery in America. Which does not mean I approve or disapprove of anything else in relation to the Turner rebellion, but this sexist frail white women nonsense that renders them blameless in that system is silly.

Wasn't there some thread that happened every month which listed all the books commenters read? Have I been living in a parallel AV. Club world this entire time?

Philistines are people too.

That's what I thought. I can't say I read it much but I remember coming here specifically for a review of Salvador Plascencia's "People of Paper" many moons ago.

Of course, because, by definition, romance novels or crappy…or something. Or couldn't be crappy and fantastic? Women stuff.

It never fails to amuse me when this comment section, generally, pats itself on the back for being "progressive" (or something) and then something like this happens. every. time.

It is good to be reminded of how niche translated lit really is. I figured anyone who read at least knew of Ferrante even if they hadn't read her.

It's been a real education to read this comment section. Ferrante has been one of the biggest literay fiction writers to get attention, in the typical high end pages for (USA/UK) English speakers: NYRB, LRB, TLS, New Yorker, NYT, Paris Review, Guardian (for the newsy stuff anyway) etc. Well-established in Europe.

I can't live a normal life! I was raised by the street!

I will stay behind for observational purposes.

I guess if you chose to read it in isolation and then take an extreme position in order to make your point, you got it. Conversely, we have an argument in which Halloween is some kind of major flash point for cultural exchange and corporate social responsibility (or something) and I just…wanna point out that you

You don't have to be afraid of anything because folks don't want you to wear sombreros or brown skin costumes. (Seriously? How asinine a position is that?) If you live in a culture in which the condition to make films about non-white folk is somehow tied to selling shitty questionable products — you. have. a. problem

NO. As a little black kid I managed to learn a whole lot about Anglo-American culture without having to dress up as a white anything. Do not present this as anything remotely approaching a reasonable argument. What in fresh hell is this…

Because if you can't guarantee production of some brown skin Halloween costume how could they possibly make a film with non-white characters…? That's a hard one.

Arigato! GFY had added some horrible new ads that somehow broke through my Adblock + Ghostery combo and slowed its page to a crawl. uBlock Origin solved it.

Wait, what? I…don't understand. They should deliberately air programmes that must somehow never become popular…?

That threesome at the end brought me to the light.

Is she the one who regularly sunshined her vag or some such?

Thanks for the rec. Blonde Ambition def sounds like a good place to start that I wouldn't have thought of.

Madonna in the ranks of Janet and Michael? That seems overly bold — I'll have to rewatch her videos. Britney herself, tho, was also a legit dancer, in her heyday; she just never recovered from her (knee?) injury.