And what is MS telling us?
And what is MS telling us?
No. The Xbox One X was designed for 4K TVs, so stick to your old one. You could actually plug an X into your 1080p TV, but you won’t notice a difference at all.
The modern-day story arc pretty much ended with AC III. At least that was the idea. What came after that is a series of forced and irrelevant events that tried to expand and develop Abstergo, but ultimately became a nonsensical mess. Perhaps Ubisoft just stopped trying altogether.
China should be sued altogether. Everything they do is a ripoff in one way or another.
This isn’t new. Facebook has allowed to take 360 photos with just your phone for a very long time now....
Sony won’t answer and this is probably the wrong place to ask you have any idea why Just Cause 3 isn’t being offered in Latin America? We’re getting Strike Vector EX instead.
I think it’s more like the oppossite: say nothing by saying a lot.
So, basically I can come up with a nice logo of whatever long-overdue or long-awaited game and that’s it? No matter if I don’t have anything else to show or work is nonexistent, and I win?
“What’s noteworthy about this news isn’t just that we’re finally getting the game that Nintendo fans have craved most. It’s that Nintendo is listening. With Switch, the company has not only made a killer piece of hardware, it has proven that it’s willing to finally—finally!—give fans the one game they’ve been asking…
Why are Enker, Punk and Ballade from the Game Boy games in the thumbnail of the video?
Most people base their opinions and buying decisions on scores alone. They just do a quick search for a game’s Metascore and call it a day. If they see a “4" they would assume it is bad. In this case, the “4" is based on an unfortunate, random experience of a reviewer, NOT on the quality of the game.
I don’t see any insult, anywhere...
Here we go again. Same old WWII setting, revisited ad nauseam.
Quick (probably unrelated) question: How many players does local multiplayer support? Can 4 people play on the same Switch?
To be honest, I’m not sure there is an improvement at all. She was O_O before. Now she’s more like U_U or ¬_¬
Ishitani, who joined Monolith in 2001, also announced the news via Twitter, recalling the titles he had worked on—from Xenogears Episode 1 and Baten Kaitos to Namco X Capcom and Project X Zone 2.
Well, that does it. “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”. Nintendo has officially become the Apple of videogames (for all the bad things).
Online gaming 101: Do not play via Wi-fi. EVER.
That’s some serious waste of plastic alright. Way to go, Nintendo.
I’m assuming this is all tongue-in-cheek.