
You could write your messages in a pool of vomit and it would look better than that.


@Matthew Arnold: I see your point there. Very good beers, like high gravs, etc. I tend to pour into glasses usually, even if it's in a bottle.

I think you're forgetting a key factor— The shape of your drinking vessel affects the flavor.

I read this as get your own android robot.

Definitely for backcountry use; Probably not hard core backpacking, but for deployment at a base camp.

Isn't helium a byproduct of nuclear fusion?

Hydrogen balloons will prevail. Yes, they're a fire hazard, but so are birthday candles and we still love those, right?

Is that a shaft driven drivetrain?

@Bam Margera: So I understand how the cell antenna are directional in a 2d plane, and by keeping this in a narrow band vertically, power can be conserved, but I'm thinking that the area beneath a tower can't really be devoid of signal, and real world experience tells me there is more signal there than from other…

@Bam Margera: Are you assuming that the towers use intensely directional antennas?

@chalkshark: No, Highlights. For the lobby of your dental/medical practice.

@chalkshark: No, Highlights. For your dental/medical practice.

The thing is, anyone who spends time in the woods knows to just stay away from bears. So this scheme, while wouldn't protect the weed, would (theoretically) prevent its discovery.

You know what will be awesome? 3D clip ons, that can fit comfortably on normal glasses.

Product placement in a new video.

@thehouserules: Out of the frying pan and into the fire, it seems.

I said it last time, and I'll say it again: