
@soldstatic: Set underused accounts to simply forward mail to your main account. Gmail can do this, not sure about others.

You see a way to intercept phone calls. I see a cheaper way than the AT&T microcell to finally get a signal in my house.

@tuxus: Definitely heard stories of thieves not making it because the car is stick.

@sag969: Ideally, paint shops would be on the lookout for such a car coming in for a paint job.

I feel as if it could be improved with a pulley system— If each rack could be lowered to the floor when the cars are out, then it would be convenient to access as well.

"Either I pay the restaurant, or I pay you. Either way, I'm paying someone. "

Seems to me a lot of utility could be had finding a way to turn all that padding into battery.

@jhd3111: The value of NASA at this point is providing research. There is lots of innovative work being done at NASA, but the culture of NASA has evolved into a severe favoring of "tried and tested"

@Charliehorse: I think you've struck that one on the head.

These are a list of things that are gadgets and can be heirlooms.

I doubt the pixels themselves are actually damaged. More likely it's the readout circuitry.

I have a question— We trust the internet for our online banking. Millions of people use it every day.

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@All_Thumbs: I suppose you have a point, but this camera is getting towards the micro-fourthirds sizes, and out of the point and shoot sizes.

@ding-dang: I just said that so she could get behind you.

@amipal: The point is that panasonic should throw their efforts completely into fourthirds, instead of splitting efforts and designing these on the side.

I wish Panasonic would fully commit to the fourthirds system. It's been the best effort to produce a viable competitor to nikon/canon.