
High-five! We should start a club...

Are you me? I am dreading the visa issues after we get married. My cousin married internationally as well (what can I say, we love to travel, and we apparently fall in love abroad) - and he and his now wife faced a lot of visa issues. If it makes you feel better, many years later, they are happily married, living in

Yay :) I like success stories :)

No, I agree - the fact that they had no IRL time after a certain point is where it sounds troublesome. Not the case for me. Sorry, I get a LOT of flack for being in a LDR and it gets so exhausting having to ‘splain to everyone all the time. Sometimes I spout off out of habit ;)

Wow. Aggressive much? Calm down, it’s the internet.

Who says LDRs don’t work? I’m very happily engaged to someone I’m currently physically separated from. Lots of LDR judgement on here. For the record, men can cheat and be horrible no matter where they are. Just because my fiancé lives in another country doesn’t mean he is more apt to cheat than any of the other local

No hope? I guess I should cancel my wedding then, as my fiancé currently lives overseas, and I wasn’t born fluent in his native tongue. I didn’t realize that anyone not marrying a fellow American had “no hope”.

This is my nightmare!!! I am a bride-to-be with celiac and my venue is promising me a gluten free cake…….