
You seem like loads of fun.

I’m reading both OSU fans saying they shouldn’t have made it and bama fans saying THEY shouldn’t have made it...

What part of America are YOU living in? I have lots of sex, the best sex, ask anyone


You are in an echo chamber where u are the minority, it’s really not worth arguing here.

Lol yea cuz Brady’s JACKED!

How did this create more confusion?

It’s like saying both dems and repubs suck


I’m sure you held Michelle to the same standard. Can you not try to hold women back by making these, jokes?

Does anyone have the original article before it was edited?

Methinks you sir, may be the idiot.

What he’s doing is GENIUS.

I feel like you are a white person pretending to be black, very strange.

Wait did you not see talib rip his chain again?

It was 52 yards calm down. And the Vikings are actually doing well, what’s the beef?

Shutup faggot

Probably the coolest thing I’ve seen all weekend.

That happened