
Make sure you need to do this. Many DSLR’s are sealed and can easily handle the rain without a raincoat. Check your manual as to the rain resistance and sealing on your camera.

I fly three to four times a year and it seems every time the rules are different: shoes on or off, laptops out or not, a tablet is or is not a laptop. No signs explaining what to do. And half of the TSA employees stand around doing nothing.

Kate, I can’t tell if you’re the most witty journalist/blogger in history, or is it just Friday and you ran out of hooooWHHHHSHHShoooo's to give.

if you have to ask, you’re probably not ready for the answer.


actually...yes, it does mean you’re out of ideas when all you do is address the needs of the user.

If you killed your neighbor and I found out, it would still be illegal for me to extort money from you.

What, like two wrongs make a right?

I’ll have you know that I work for Anheuser-Busch and live in Tampa.

I drive a Subaru Impreza WRX STi and live at Lake Tahoe. I really didn’t think my comment would offend anyone....unless you work for one of those TV commercial beer companies....or maybe live in Florida.

The modified devices don’t have exposed terminals, that would be stupid. The OP is saying the BATTERY has exposed terminals, which every battery that can be swapped in and out of a device has. The BATTERY had it’s exposed terminals likely shorted by loose change or keys, just like any battery would do in that

I never understood why people use unregulated mods(a battery with no cut-off circuit for those who aren’t familiar), it’s a completely pointless risk.

Well, this isn’t an e-cig that exploded. It was the battery that belongs in an e-cig. A battery sitting in a pocket with keys, loose change, etc will do what any battery will with exposed contacts. It will short itself.

that poor beer. even if it wasnt good beer. it didnt deserve such a fate.

The huge, huge, glaring deficiency with this guide is that it appears entirely based on full retail price when deals abound on smart watches. The Pebble Steel is a much better watch than the Pebble Time at full retail price, the issue is you can pick up a Time for $115 right now, is it an 75% better watch? The Huawei

When the implications of complying rip a hole in the constitution, yes, you can argue your case to a higher court. Must be nice to blindly live under the warm blanket of government surveillance, trusting not only that they will always be benevolent but that they’ll always protect you from the criminals and foreign

PR is gonna PR yo. All of this is pretty much formalities. Apple is going to be ordered to comply and hopefully the FBI will get something worthwhile off of that phone.

Tim Cook needs to stand firm and just refuse it. They’re under absolutely no legal obligation to do so. This is pure over-reach of power. If the government can’t do it themselves, they can fuck right off.