
They might be back. But I don’t feel confident after last night. I mean, that was probably the team which suffered less with injuries through the season, has young players, had Matt Ryan FINALLY playing well (for a whole regular season and two and a half playoff games), and they didn’t make it. Will the stars align

Always thought the Falcons would lose, but they gave me hope. Almost three quarters in and the Patriots seemed to be on a streak of bad luck. And then Matt Ryan reminded us why he’s Matt Ryan, in the worst way possible.

I hardly need a reminder but, sure, I’ll hop in this bandwagon.

For once, I hope they win. I would like to see them playing against Aaron Rodgers (amazing QB) or Matt Ryan (in the end of his one brilliant season, which he got by selling his soul to Satan, probably, but still).

Because we all know supporting a billionaire owned football team is more important than paying the bills.

Tell you what, if the Packers loose to the Falcons, I’m blaming the goddamn absence of hole.

Dear God. Considering the last few months, I’ve started to wonder: “How dumb must you be to be filthy rich in the U.S.?”

Far from me to say I have Belichick’s outstanding coaching figured out, but it seems obvious to me he’s the master in reading and figuring out other teams schemes. I suppose Brady got better with age because, well, he learned something. Learned from the best, obviously.