
Don't fret! Xbox Live GOLD is all about those magic servers :P Nothing could possibly go wrong at launch!

I haven't watched the anime in a while. Is "Gotta Catch Em All" still even a thing? It pretty much isn't doable unless you cheat or can invest in plane tickets to go to certain events (or trade with the latter)! On the Anime side of things, let's be honest... Ash Facepalm Ketchum wasn't exactly filling up that dex.

I'm surprised with the matrix-tower of evil dolls he's selling he's missing this one!

Holy shit x)! Confirmed (and that confirmation cost me a good night's sleep).

Exactly this. Darksiders II pretty much offered ZERO to the formula of the first game but I still fucking loved it and I know many others who feel the same. There are games like Zelda who follow the same formula but are painstakingly developed. It's not Zelda 2K14, it's another unique experience which (considering the

Because 3DS re-release/sequel!

(I wish/hope).

Eh, it's pretty subjective I guess but if you're into the story aspect of RPGs I'd say look elsewhere. I found the story to be pretty generic despite the hype when it first came out. The soundtrack is pretty awesome and the gameplay was great though.

Pretty much in the same boat. I'm happy the PSN usernames are apparently going to be the same. This means I have ZERO incentive to get the PS4 until at least march of next year. Many laughed when I bought my PS3 at launch but now they're gonna be running around in Killzone Shadow Fall with the username

Yeah well if you read through the whole thread you'll find some more that I came up with. Too lazy to reply really.

Ah I see :). Maybe it's time for me to jump back in, certainly looks cool!

So since when has the battle system not consisted of running into stuff with your sword? Looks cool but when I think Ys I think of Adol running into stuff until dead.

Eh that's true. I would never really competitively use any of the starters. I'd still choose Zard over Typhlosion for the dual stabs. If either are facing stealth rock they better both put their heads between their legs and kiss their asses goodbye.

Agreed. And to those who say "OH TYPHLOSION IS BETTER THAN CHARIZARD" good luck getting your ass earthquaked! x)

I feel like this deserves a spot in the MoMA

No I completely agree. I think the problem is people adhere to the connotation you mention. Let's use everyone's favorite company, Apple, as an example x). One year they released a version of the iPod shuffle that had ZERO controls. It was basically a memory stick with voice imput. The vast majority of consumers hated

I'm agreeing with you x). Let me clarify. I think if you're going to use the term "next gen" you should look at each company separately. They should be saying "the next gen Xbox" or "the next gen Playstation" rather than PS3 AND 360 ARE NEXT GEN BUT THE WII U IS NOT. That comparison is retarded in my opinion. For the

Agreed. The terminology is, and always has been, bullshit. Of course each company is going to *say* their console is "next gen" but that's really arbitrary. It's like if Toyota put spoiler and M3 style side vents on their Prius, increased the price and said BECAUSE IT'S NEXT GEN. The way "next gen" is being used as a