
i loved persona 5 but this anime was ass, not gonna lie.

the most recent footage i’ve seen from dp2 looks really rough performance wise. i played dp1 for the first time on switch and enjoyed it despite the jank, but was hoping for performance improvements since this is a new game and it was built for the switch from the ground up. will wait and see how it reviews, if it’s

amazon’s game division seems like such a paint-by-numbers affair... like they will just throw money at it and hope something works out instead of building something with a bit of passion behind it.

msrp on the keylight is 200. You’re seeing fucked up prices because of covid and demand. i got mine for on an amazon daily deal for 160 for that matter.

i don’t disagree with anything you said, but at the same time i don’t think elgato is hitting that ‘best value’ spot. IMO what makes their products special is software integration. like the keylight is not cheap and you can get more lights for less, but for ease of use and flexibility i still chose that in my own

people suck. i’d love to see some actual consequences handed down. people should lose their main accounts if shit like this gets traced back to them IMO.

with no release date in sight and the announcement coming up on one year almost, that’s a copout tho.

i wish overwatch could get me excited again. what have we really gotten since they announced ow 2? a new tank and dps hero... woohoo....

i moderate a subreddit with 200k users. the mod team (5 of us) will individually report a dozen or so troll accounts a week. admins rarely do anything to those accounts. it’s defeating and continually disappointing. reddit attracts the lowest common denominator that’s for sure. fortunately the majority of people on

i reactivated my account last month when shadowbringers was on sale. i spent 3 days locked out of my account because for some reason logins are case sensitive, and i used a capital letter to start off my email address. forgetting to capitalize a letter in my email legit took 3 days to sort out with customer support.

We spectated the players that killed us, they were literally shooting through mountains. The other time we watched a guy in power armor just flying around in the sky killing the whole lobby.

We’ve probably played 20-25 games of it and ran into obvious cheaters twice - the lack of a proper report system (from my googling you need to record it and email them) would be game ruining if it was happening more often. fortunately it was isolated incidents for us.

i talked a lot of shit on this game. i got a free copy for ps4 from amazon (it was 15 bucks then there was a rebate) but never bothered installing it. my friend gifted me a copy when it launched on steam and now our online group plays for 6-12 hours a week since. it’s actually an OK game now. i’m having more fun than

Im at peace with what I got out of psvr. Rez and RE7 alone justified the purchase for me.

yea, it was still a little jarring to hop back into, but i definitely agree. i would also posit that FF is often at it’s best when it’s not taking itself too seriously, but i would also acknowledge people like different things about the series.

i think the corny tone really suits the game. i checked out the japanese dub for a chapter because the cheese was kind of throwing me off at first, but switched back after that. IMO while performances sound a little more “natural” in japanese, it’s lacking somehow versus the english voice actors hamming it up.

you can visit the air and space museum in the division 2 and it’s probably my best memory of that game.

i didn’t play any of their other games but picked this up and put 20 hours in already. it’s hard to know when a feature is just bugged / missing versus me not knowing what to do, but i can still usually find a way to make progress. right now my leader is at peace and not warring with anyone, so i’m thinking of

is it just my playback or is this not hitting 30 fps? also capped at 720p :-\

hooked up my launch xbone the other day to play some phantasy star online and check out outer wilds (i have gamepass ultimate from PC) and i was horrified with the performance of both games. PSO is almost 10 years old so that was a little more shocking, but outer wilds was also pretty unplayable - felt like it was