
Hi! Can you name another country’s version of ICE? Does that group function as a separate federal police force?

Literally the role Ryan Gosling was born to play.

But for a regular season game in any sport, you’re basically buying a lottery ticket hoping to see one of the following:

Does Bumblebee have a character and/or personality in the Bayformers movies?

Why would he be surprised? The country was told by EPA administrators that Pruitt was frequently confronted and required first-class travel for security and privacy.

I mean, there’s no ‘may’. Jared Kushner routed the call. The Politico article is also weird about this with the headline.

Well if it helps, in real life she doesn’t accomplish things and leaves the reservation before the Wounded Knee Massacre.

“The Rider” was a very good indy movie and I strongly recommend people see it. Just realize it has very little plot going into it and it is almost entirely characters examinations and visuals.

That two-frame animation of blocking blaster bolts was SO AWESOME!

There is a difference between theft and profiting off of that theft, and it is more noticeable when it comes to intellectual property.

Out of the Star Wars characters and based on your interpretation... Leia sounds like the character most likely to be considered “worthy”.

The issue was less following this season, and more that there was a lack of reward/payoff for the two primary timelines. I just didn’t care about timeline tricks used to create “mystery” or “shocking reveals” because the mystery or shocking reveal came far too late for the timeline tricks to be useful.

My issue with Maeve’s storyline this season is that it was built around how the hosts have emotional cores that they build their humanity around. That a host’s emotional decisions should be respected, even if they may or may not be sentient at that time.

Today I learned that a player can’t be offsides is the pass was initiated while they are in their own half -- thus explaining why the second Korea goal wasn’t offsides with only one defender back (and no goalie)... as normally there needs to be two defenders (counting the goalie) to avoid an offsides call.

In each of those little balls in the purse is a Host, so there is a handful of them — but not an infinite amount of them. There are five. One Host per pearl.

The biggest issue for me this season was the wholesale slaughter of hosts by Maeve, whose storyline was built around the question of how sentient hosts are and implying that they were partially awake.

“As children are separated from their families, law enforcement agents reclassify them from members of family units to “unaccompanied alien children.” Federal officials said Tuesday that since May, they have separated 2,342 children from their families, rendering them unaccompanied minors in the government’s care.”

I demand enough historical inaccuracy to play as Oddjob!

Why is the wedding scheduled during the one month of a year when his lifelong friends will be insanely disruptive.

Me: Well, who would win in a fight between Wolverine and Captain America? To the googles!