
@jodark: Oh obviously, every police officer will wear a little tag that will shut off any cameras nearby when he is within 100 feet.

@Admiral_Awesome: Sign me up, cept I like oxygen. Maybe an island somewhere?

Wait what? You can get a fine in Sweden if a condom breaks?

@Almightywhacko: Well what is really needed is a licencing system that would turn bad drivers into permanent bus riders, before they have the chance to be on the road and kill a good driver.

@tetzel1517: That's why you are supposed to do a circle check before you get into your vehicle.

@jodark: Yeah, but it has to be a 4 door one with the doors removed so everyone can see their sandals.

@RX-Elise: Definately a bro car right here.

@BlackApertureLabs: Well I don't think they have gotten it right since the N64.. But even then, that really wasn't the greatest console as it was, it just had EXCELLENT games.

@Dmack34: Yeah, it's sort of like when a few of the people at the homeless shelter I volunteer at thought buying a Blu-ray player and a new tv with part of our very limited budget was a good idea.. Some people have lots of good intentions but have trouble with priorities.

@FriarNurgle: Well mine already throttles all streaming video and is slowly but surely lowering bandwidth caps for new subscribers.

@LuckyChuck: I saw it also, I couldn't believe how friggen huge the thing is.

That's a tough one really.. Theres a guy down the way from me who always drives his wheelchair in the road, his excuse though is that there isn't sidewalk on his side of the street/people don't clear the snow properly.

@resvrgam: I haven't plugged in my 360 since June, and I sure as hell don't miss it.

Well I tried putting the tv ontop of my wood stove but it kept melting the base for some reason, maybe I need a fireplace.

@ddhboy: All the friggen time, just about every Little Caesars has some poor suck out front with one.

Totally rad dude... I'm gunna miss the Space Shuttles, to think that kids growing up today won't build the shuttle out of Lego and go launch a sattelite in their great hall, then get yelled at for leaving it hanging by string from the chandelier..

It's just never going to not look like a bad Photoshop job someone did for some odd reason, and for that, it gets a thumbs down from me.

It's unfortunate that cases like this exist in the first place, but that's just the world we live in.