
Don't give the TSA ideas about what to do to people who opt out...

@achilleselbow: Or you'll have a faceoff in the prison shower with some mean faced individuals who are intent on defacing your genitals (and possibly your face.)

Well when I was first driving (I've always driven a standard) I didn't know that the engine wouldn't stall if you put it in neutral, so I would either clutch in whenever I was stopped or I would keep it in gear and feather the gas while on the brake. I thought neutral was only for rolling the car when the engine was

@izzor_noraa.catproduct: Same here, I thought my dads Plymouth Afflame could do 220 KP/H. And I was like, if cars can go that fast, why does everybody drive so SLOWLY??

WEEEEEEEEEEE fuzzy critters.

@phantomlink: Yeah I've gotten 2 letters on Rogers.. A few years back they pretty much just sent a boatload of letters to try and scare people straight, but it was a completely empty threat.

I guess that's not counting the people who watched it via the intertubes because it's not available on their joke of a regional History Channel.

Furniture stores are the worst for fake sales.. Everything that is "on sale" will list a MSRP that the item will never be sold at in a million years.

@dawyndham: What Flail said, plus some lawyer could probably find a way to have their right to gouge consumers protected by the constitution.

@ZFK: Yeah, I get where you're coming from too, and I have to admit the first time I saw a smart car with cameras on top driving slooowly around in the U.K. I was REALLY freaked out, it felt like some messed up sci fi movie.

@ZFK: I don't think having your fingerprint and photo taken violates anything if you have only lawful intentions, and if something does happen, it gives law enforcement the ability to say, "Okay, these prints match a legal alien, get his photo out so we can track him down before he leaves the country."

@tasteskindasalty: If they're so bent on attacking planes, maybe they'll just hurl a grenade over the fence at JFK... There's several Delta gates within throwing distance from public roads.. Just saying.

Wow, you have to be a really pathetic person to need to cheat at a Kinect game...

@AmonSemper: Me too. Mostly I've just been jonesing for a new racing game for so long now I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

@Salari: It's in a tough spot, the wait has created unrealistic expectations in alot of people.

@bender123: Dang, closest one is like 8 hours away.. Guess I'll just haveta laugh at the picture then.

@djdare: They are simply a money grab. I'm not gunna start throwing conspiracy theories out here, but it seems way too bloody convienient that the underwear bomber showed up when he did. It was right when Resiscan and whoever the other one is was pushing to get their devices used in airports. The underwear bomber's

@bender123: Those bears are warning us.. Seriously tho, where did you find that? I think I want one, just for the oddity value.

@Mike_Flip: Another reason I only take carry-ons. Except if I'm flying with skis, which I don't do very often anymore. I've never had a pair lost, but a friend of mine did, and they didn't get there for 3 days, by which time we were almost ready to fly home, it sucked.