
@Shamoononon: I'm like this as well. Actually I can't fall asleep even if I'm not driving/flying/boat captaining, I have never slept on any moving vehicle, or away from a bed for that matter. I'm the kind of person who needs absolute silence and darkness to sleep, if there's any sound while I'm trying to sleep I

@MacAttack: This man here knows what he's talking about.

@jodark: Dangit they're closed to all but members right now.. Guess I'll haveta finally sign up.

@¿Es que el 3Djesus?: Well I can see how they would need to save space, I've still gotta think a fold away bed would be a better idea though.

That is pretty cool, but does someone really sleep on that mattress up there? Looks extremely uncomfortable.

It would be nice to have the SYNC in my Focus updated so that it isn't so bloody dimwitted. There is literally nothing you can do with the voice commands that isn't quicker and easier to do by pressing the buttons.

My slow mind is having trouble with this question's wording, but I think I've figured it out.

@skt.smth: Weirdly, the problem I had with FedEx was that they would never get anyone to sign. They basically thought it was okay to leave my 500 bucks worth of computer parts on the porch all day in clear view of someone walking past on the street.

@jje37: I can't believe them sometimes. I was at the door literally 10 seconds from when it rung and I see a package on the porch and hear a diesel engine pulling out of my driveway, he actually must have sprinted back to the truck to get in that quickly.

Y'know what? If it keeps this moron from breeding, it's good in my books.

@phiyuku: And if it works as well as any other voice recognition software out there I'll spend the rest of my life shouting at it when it changes to TLC instead, then somehow dials my boss while tuning to a porn channel and cranking the volume waaaay up.

Uhh.. 3d printing is really bloody expensive, I don't see the advantage here except to say that they did it.

Todget flapping in the wind.. I love UKish people.

@Scazza: We're cold weather people, when the sun comes out our clothes come off, it's just natural.

That is pretty nice. I have no idea how much 180cm is tho but I get the feeling I wouldn't fit in it.

@infmom: Dang there's some really nice pics on there, alot of them seem to be really noisy tho when you have them full size.

@kaffeen: Agreed, get that shit in the water pronto. The last million people will thank us for making the world liveable again.

@Zadkiel: I don't buy that she intentionally crashed it either...

When I can use 3ds max and Photoshop on a smartphone with the same speed as on my desktop, then we'll talk. (Oh and project a 28" image wherever I go, since I'm not giving up my big lcds.) Until then, smartphones are just a huge waste of money for me.