
The gesture is nice but when I read “16yr old, whataburger” my first thought was the increase in insurance he’ll be paying for that brand new truck unfortunately. I hope it works out for him or he’s able to find a great deal to lesson the expense or maybe his family pays for his insurance. But these are not crazy

One of the few ways remaining to get a proper Darwin Award so I suppose I should support this. 

Wow.  Who shit in your Cheerios this morning?

They are experimenting with re-upping evergreen posts for traffic boosts. 

150-200k household income seems super low to consider “high income” for anything other than rural california

There was a magical time period when all things Japanese were 20+ years ahead of the future. I grew up in the 80's at the peak of this era. Our VCR had around 500 little buttons and shit tons of little lights. I didn’t know what most of them did but it sure looked cool. Years ago I went to a thrift store and bought a

This is why Elon Musk is suddenly so Fuck electric car subsidies!

Must not be easy maintaining a 10+% profit margin during a time of “inflation”...

It’s funny because 69 means simultaneous oral sex. 



Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating

Another problem. Badge snobs aren’t going to pay 100k for a Chinese EV. Problem with first Polestar

This bro-dozer coal-rolled me, so I pulled my Aveo to the side of the road, popped the hatch, and well, long story short, that dude won’t be rolling anything any more.

Note to GM beancounters:

That is always a risk. A tool is useful no matter who is using it. 

I really hand it to the marketers. They figured out a way to get people to pay an extra $5K for basically the same thing, with nearly zero added production cost. Brilliant, but it sucks for those of us who actually care about driving and want a car that both drives properly AND has a decent amount of utility.

We live in the worst timeline.

So do I have this correct? Go to an a gathering at the top of a giant ramp of a street, everyone set up to shoot video, act like you somehow didn’t know the car was going to jump the giant ramp of a street even after it flashed it’s lights to go (likely given the go ahead by someone up top), run away when shit goes