
Because I look at their warped relationship in a bizarrely romantic fashion I feel like Dan thinks inherently Amy WOULD give him a verbal beatdown so he doesn't even think it IS possible she may be interested. Which only amuses me more and makes me foolhardily like them as a pair. (Even if romance never occurs, I love

I don't understand that as a defense, though. The show is called that but it has never JUST been about that. For example, does MAD MEN's title mean that it should never focus on Joan, Peggy, Betty because the show is Mad Men and not Mad Men and a a bunch of women?

This reminds me of one of the dropped balls in the earlier seasons. Isn't it odd that even though Peter was state's attorney we never got the chance to see him and Alicia really argue against each other in court? I would have LOVED an episode around that. We'd usually get Cary as his avatar instead. (Which I liked,

Just two incidental but EXCELLENT moments of the episode to point out for me:

I don't mind Cary and Kalinda being unresolved, as you said it saves them from writing the end of the relationship (and they can't write for Kalinda anymore) and its "romantic" in a harebrained way.

It's fine, really I didn't realise I was so annoyed until I started typing. (Apologies if the previous comment came across as overly harsh, or directed to you.)
I'm probably taking it so personally because this show is still one I generally admire and really appreciate, and it seems to be squandering its potential and

i agree that it officially went off the rails in episode 13 but the entire season has had some serious structural issues even in the earlier parts. One of my biggest issues this season has been the way essential bits of plot occur off screen and/or are never addressed.

That's the thing about it, though, the scene was so obviously (terribly) edited that it also augments my issues with the Kings regarding this whole 50 episodes no scene, thing. They're being so disrespectful to the audience in feeding them nonsensical reasons for their non-appearance together or partaking in some

Yeah, the first Alicia/Kalinda scene was archival footage. I have the episode on the tip of my tongue but can't be sure. I want to say "Hybristophilia" but could be wrong.

Aaaaw, and your comment in my reply to my comment is just as sweet :)

But that reading depends too much on the viewer putting the work in and not the show justifying that. I'm all for complex shows which make the audience work but only a few episodes ago in Mind's Eye the audience got a pronounced chance to see into Alicia's "mind" and all she saw with Kalinda was "slept with Peter" and

How curious that so many of the promising, but neglected, avenues of the show involve Kalinda….

This comment is beautiful. I love you.

Remember the big thing at the end of season 5 when Will died and Diane was talking about not having anyone and Kalinda said, "I'm here." And she was talking about Kalinda being her girl Friday. That scene with the two of them walking on the side walk seemed poignant at the moment, but the relationship between the two

In some ways, I'm actually glad they didn't have a scene together. Having them share one scene of what, 2 minutes, after two years (Holy crap, TWO YEARS - last time in Season 4, Episode 14) would have just seemed disingenuous for me.

You're not being dumb, and I'm not sure I think the note was about Peter but I do think if the note was just Kalinda saying goodbye then Alicia's sobbing reaction is ridiculous and a silly bit on the writer's part. Within the fabric of the show what indication do we have that Alicia would be tearful if Kalinda were to

This was not a very satisfying episode, but I'm too tired of the show at this point for a detailed comment. I will say, though, I'd grade this a bit lower Kayla's review is thoughtful.