Alex Jameson

Nope, jump right in. I did. Definitely don’t regret it. It’s one of my favorite games.

Jump right in. I played 3 before playing 1 or 2. Definitely don't regret it. One of my favorite games of all time.

“And when they got in, their voices were sometimes ignored..”

Bartolo Colon’s kid is really killing it out there.

I always wonder, though, what a better alternative would be?

Are you fucking idiots *trying* to get Trump elected?!?

If you pass out in 79 degree weather, you need to seek medical help. Something is probably wrong with you.

Nope, nothing to see here. All is good. She’s healthy as can be, and people faint all the time for no reason. The facts lie.

You should seek medical help. That is not normal, especially not in 79-degree weather.

If it were Trump, would you buy that he overheated in 79 degree weather?

Except it was below 80 at 9:30 am.

That’s not normal. You should get some medical help.

Watch her feet. She literally falls over as they’re trying to drag her into the SUV.

Holy god, look at her feet in that video. She definitely passes out and falls forward as they're trying to load her into the van

Doctors and those in the medical profession, could any of this be the physical manifestations of neurological issues from a stroke. She’s just seems...not right this past year or so.

Who wants to stop them?

This is a community that lost two cops in two months, so I would’ve been surprised to see the Chiefs kneel.

Look at this guy over here who's so much better at catting than everyone else.

I haven’t even looked at any comments yet, and I can already tell it’ll be full of Deadspin hipsters arguing that since the ref put his hands on the player, the player should be allowed to shove the ref.

It doesn’t, because the government isn’t taking action against you—-it’s mediating a complaint of libel or slander made by a private citizen against another private citizen.