
I love Wegmans and shop there, but they don’t have enough stores to come in as #1 for foot traffic, especially downstate.

Mm, I have some questions. So, there’s *TWO* chains named Giant. Both are now owned by Ahold Delhaize. One is Giant-Carlisle, which also owns Martin’s, and this is dominant in PA (except western PA, which is entirely Giant Eagle) and also has stores in western MD and western VA. But, I’d guess that the dominant chain

No way is Price Chopper #1 in NY. It only covers a relatively small part of the state. NY is impossible because the different parts of the state have entirely different chains. Downstate it’d be Stop & Shop. Shoprite isn’t terrible, though. 

Agreed. They’re formulaic, and get too much time for too little payoff. 

High quality journalism here. It’s Jeff *Garlin*

I was coming to say this. Not that L&O is awesome (early L&O was more clear-eyed, though... SVU is absolutely ridiculous, even though I watch it) but Chicago PD is both over the top and whitewashes a department that’s considerably worse than the NYPD. 

I went and read the actual review. Here’s the full quote. “The only thing that really sets “Bodies Bodies Bodies” apart is its place in the A24 hype machine, where it doubles as a 95-minute advertisement for cleavage and Charli XCX’s latest single.” Stenberg isn’t singled out. The review is negative, and frankly, I

Lea Michele (who is a bitch) isn’t Ashkenazi. Her last name is Sarfaty. She’s Sephardic. I forget where her dad is from but she’s full on Mediterranean. (Okay—mom from Naples, dad from Thessaloniki)  

Wait till he sees the trans politics situation and the scrapping of the Human Rights Act. 

I think this may very much be a case where the parents’ behavior was wrong, and so this person perceived Miller’s actions positively, but Miller was acting inappropriately. These were not appropriate boundaries to have given their ages. 

Tom Cruise being a giant douche ruined a bunch of his old movies for me. 

Yep. Forget giving them money—imagine the actors and crew who have to work with someone with anger issues and unstable behavior. I don’t envy them, and few of them will be paid nearly enough to put up with that. 

It’s both. Actresses have complained for years that once they’re past 45 they get cast in older woman roles. Meanwhile an actress in her early 30s will be paired with a man 10 or 15 years older as her onscreen spouse. Sometimes she’ll have teenage children. They’re getting a bit better about that so the age gaps are

Your prayers have been answered. They’re making one and it’s called Lazarus. 

This is a case where the US is so bad that you can be better and yet still not very good at all. 

Paul Sorvino (Cerretta) is in his 80s now for a start. 

It’s definitely misleading. This headline says “go to streaming.” IGN’s is “debut on streaming.” This article is sloppy about debuting on streaming, versus going there at all. 

Insomnia is decidedly not his best work, but I maintain that it was better than Dreamcatcher. There were no shitweasels involved. 

There is no way to make a good movie out of that pile of dreck, and I’ve read every Stephen King novel so when I tell you Dreamcatcher is bad, I say it with authority. 

I don’t think he improved the source material, exactly. He made huge changes to it. I understand why King hates the adaptation--it changes some of the most personal things about the book, as well as Jack’s narrative arc. (Personally, my beef with the film is how Kubrick conceives Wendy and how he directs Shelley