Alexander Gieg

I can’t watch it at work, because my job blocks video, and when a video isn’t blocked, it still logs the bandwidth and if we consume too much someone will gently come and ask us what job-related work we were doing that required us to watch video.

I always find it odd when I read about how these things work in the US. Here in Brazil it’s usual for loans to come coupled with a small-fee life insurance covering the loaned value, so that when you die the loan gets automatically paid. I wonder why something so obvious isn’t practiced over there.

About literally, I think it’s becoming synonymous with figuratively because people associate it with the similarly sounding literary, not with literal. They mean some event as fictional, that is, literary, which by the normal rules would become the adverb literarily. But that’s a mouthful, so the “ri” syllable gets

I understand your points, but I still feel it doesn’t make much sense, because it’s about mere vocabulary. If the test focused on words used by different social groups my opinion on the matter would be the same. For instance, I find Ebonics fascinating. It provides verb tenses that mainstream English doesn’t have and

It’s all English so there shouldn’t be any problem answering right?

Yes! It’s past time for the USA to enter history as one of the countries that practices virtuous iconoclasm!

Doesn’t the expectation of knowledge of a specific language exist because it’s the language that will be used during the classes, in academic discussion, in writing dissertations, while researching the academic literature, and reading and studying in the library because the books, journals, articles etc. are written

If he says sure, he’s a pushover and good riddance!

This thread is amusing. I’m a furry, so let me add a few points:

There are two ways in which "emergence" can be used.

Perfectly said. None of the scenarios in the article include those three absolutely necessary things which are what make evolution work: non-breaking random mutations; environment favouring intelligence; selective pressure. As such they simply cannot evolve into intelligent descendants. It's as if they all were stuck

Copy restrictions happen when governments collude with private interests to subvert the natural order, that which they call "piracy". It's a basic human instinct that something that has infinite or quasi-infinite availability has marginal utility zero, hence is worth $0, hence gets paid $0 for. Examples: air, gravity,

VOTE: Crashplan

No need for heat vision: from 300 ft away Superman slaps hands Hulk-style, Batman is now unconscious; 2 miles away, Superman shots a pebble hard enough to hit Batman's super-armor but not perforate it, the armor goes "claaang", rinse, repeat a few hundred times, Batman is unconscious; Superman flies fast enough around

VOTE: Winamp



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Yes! There's no such thing as too much Hatsune Miku!

I'm a ZoomPlayer fan. I used the freeware version years ago, when it was at version 5.x. Then Inmatrix stopped offering the freeware version, and I went for alternatives, ending up using mostly VLC plus something else when VLC didn't work. Recently Inmatrix started offering a freeware version of ZoomPlayer again (now