Also food for thought, here's the HALO 4 OT on Neogaf, notice the abundance of Modes, and content minus the maps.
Also food for thought, here's the HALO 4 OT on Neogaf, notice the abundance of Modes, and content minus the maps.
No we weren't we were told they're was a multiplayer/single player hybrid in the game. The information on the game interms of map count, modes came 1 week before release.
Maybe to someone who see's maps as additional content when it's part of the genre the game is in.
Yea difference is, we know what were getting most of the time with a single player game.
Guess Activision's shitty business model rubbed off ont hem seeing how much money they can extort from fans.
2 vs. 2 in already played out mode? Pass. I already have put in a bit of time into the game, and am already sick of it.
Straight up.…
I guess you have no clue what the original Source material is?
They changed a lot, April O'Neil's father worked with the guy who is the shredder to help create the turtles? The foot clan are a bunch of spec Ops guy's with assault rifles, the Ninja Turtles are too big for us to relate too as possibly being somewhat human.
Did you not read the article that specifically states no xbox version?
Don't worry, Timesplitters is coming.
From someone who actually has a beta key and has played it, a lot over the weekend. He's sort of right.
It does hurt microsoft as PC versions makes xbone look like shit. Also imagine how crappy the xbox 360 version will be. Hence why it got delayed.
Gamersyde does this, got here they have full res uncompressed video that's a 1gb. SHows what pc version looks like. It's night and day difference compared to the Jaggedness that is XBONE.
I'm ok with the conversation about the game in general not being on Wii U. But people brought in links to explain that Turtle Rock can't put it on Wii U because of memory issues. They are using Crytek engine 3, which likes to eat ram. Hence why it's not going to be on 360, or PS3.
I would look at the complete conversation going on, with other people who quote his "Superiority" outlook on why the Wii U's failings are not Nintendo's fault.
Well Sorry Mister- Sensitivity. Maybe read what the other guy wrote. Who blindly was defending Nintendo, in which I enlightened him to news that has been reported here on Kotaku about Nintendo as a company.
Yes it is Nintendo's fault, you need to get the facts straight as, Iwata has expressed their failure at recent Investor meeting. Publicly saying they are to blame for Wii U's lack of sales and overall penetration into the market.