Aww, Zeus king of Olympus called me Homie everyone!
Aww, Zeus king of Olympus called me Homie everyone!
No, that's what were talking about. It all goes hand in hand.
I Changed it, sorry wasn't till I re-read it, thanks for looking out.
If they just played 720p 30fps vs their friends which is 1080p 60? Yes they will especially if it's a game they play a lot. Like Madden, 2k etc.
It does matter, in First Person Shooter's the difference between 30-60 matter more than what the game looks like, and some times mechanics wise too.
I'm with a lot of people, I think I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it, if it had a better identity.
If technical issue's on certain version of a game you paid a lot of money for, are keeping you from enjoying the gameplay and theory, it does matter.
Not when I write my post that no longer than couple hours pass and CVG reports on Shadow of Mordor using Assassins creed assets.
Not even close, they used the animation data for the free running aspect of the game in assassins. Combat, "assassinating", AI interaction, open world, and having an inventory totally different than time controlled platforming, with light combat.
Inspiration means they took idea's and created their own unique property. The wall running, even the Ropes that you walk across are ripped off from Assassins creed. Even the staging: Look at the Humans being ready to be executed, just like in AC4 with pirates. But you can interveine, outside the setting and property…
Right, I get that, but what press, and investing analytic companies like Webbush are saying is this failure is directly connected to how Nintendo has operated over the past 15-20 years. Meaning that even with the bank they have, if they don't change the way they operate, they will keep declining regardless of the…
Actually forecast wise, if their stock prices dip further, they could be looking at 1.2 Billion dollar loss this year.
I'm just saying I had all systems and had xbox-live, and when I went PS3 had the same mentality as I played most of my online games on PC. I bought a PS3 in 2009 and was all about free online.
I would say at the rate that PS+ is selling now with a 90% attach rate. You are in the minority.
If you don't play online then PS+ is worth it for you. This month they gave you Bioshock Infinite for free.
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Also, read the headline much?