
“He clearly built his fighting style around with a calculated strategy of gaming the compubox system so that he gets credit for even the most cursory of punches.” That’s not how boxing judging works, you don’t know what you’re talking about, stop writing.

Walked into Target yesterday. The new Marvel movie toys were ... in the “boy” toy section, and as usual, not one female superhero in the bunch. I’m going to guess that, if they do have those toys they are sold online, if at all.

“Does Marvel not know how to make a girl superhero movie? Chill. Marvel gets women,”

Harford County is just North of Baltimore, and is one of the prettiest countys in MD. It has a lot of parkland, waterfront, and covered bridges. But I guess it’s home to idiots as well.

Yeah, I just watched it a second time, and the ring mastery was phenomenal. Hate Floyd the person all you want, but Floyd the boxer is probably the best counter-puncher I’ve seen in 25 years of watching. The way he kept baiting Pacuiao into eating right hands was a thing of beauty. Deadspin’s moralizing gets in the

To watch Floyd Mayweather box is to witness an elaborate exercise in self-preservation

See, I fucking hate Floyd Mayweather. I think any person that hits a woman for any reason short of she’s running at me with a knife is the lowest of the low. That being said...

“There’s just Floyd moving around...”

Floyd Mayweather is a lot of terrible things, and because of that, he will never get respect for being a master boxer. This post, whatever it is, is proof of that, as now we have people who clearly know very little about boxing are now determining what makes someone a coward in the ring. He fights

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

Well, they actually gave the win to the guy who won. Which is somewhat surprising considering this is boxing.

I’m sure these people are in complete shock. Deciding to demean people as rich assholes less than 24 hours after a loved one dies is poor form. Let people of any economic class decide how they want to mourn, deal with their grief.