Alex Dubin

Wait for me, Abbie Berstein!

But Felicia Day was a geek before she was a celebrity. She's not some celeb who's glomming onto nerd culture. She's a geek who was creative and clever enough to turn her geekiness into celebrity. She doesn't lose her geek cred retroactively because she happens to have become famous, and I find the whole "She's cute so

But that was like 3 lines from the end of the review…

But… but… the performances are awful. Tommy Lee Jones' Two Face is simply awful. It's miscasting along the lines of Keanu Reeves in Dracula. Even as a kid I couldn't understand why villain was supposed to work.

Ugh, SoA is awful, and Goggins on SoA was awful. He did the best he could with what he had, but that was such a wrongheaded, silly role.

WoW actually has thousands of years worth of convoluted lore. To give you a sense, all of the characters mentioned in the article above are dead before the storyline in the World of Warcraft game picks up.

Agree with this. It's a terrible movie.

I don't think the hypothetical situation that Grisham talks about in the article ever actually happens. When setting up those sort of stings, law enforcement never uses ages like 16, ages that can be argued against as "I misread it as 18, and I assumed they were kidding because they looked 30." They use ages like 12

How are they supporting it with their money / interest? There's not mention in the article that the hypothetical guy spent any money, especially if he "stumbled onto it," and how does interest support that industry? Are the pedophilia sites selling ads? Obviously if you're buying kiddie porn, you're supporting a

Episode 3 was quite literally the best episode of the entire series. And this last one wasn't bad either.

Can we at least get on the same page that Richard Lewis is AWFUL in it? So so not funny. Just a black hole of unfunniness in the middle of the movie. Probably it's the script's fault, but still.

"Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen

I watch the horrendous trailer for I Origins and besides the fact that it's a movie about a guy searching for his dead girlfriend's eye match in India because… God? … the thing I simply can't get over is that Michael Pitt plays a scientist. Science? Why doesn't he just become a model?

You're grasping.

Yeah, I gotta say, I don't see this reading of it at all. At no point, whether in her look or her words or really anything does Marge seem in the least bit interested in spending time with Mike Yamagita. The only reason she's there is because she's polite


Yeah, I dunno. I think Sling Blade holds up pretty well.

Here to help.

To paraphrase, anyway. The quote is:

Cmon. She's either a troll or she's touched. Either way, don't go feeding her.