Alex Dubin

Jonah Hill now has more Oscar nominations than Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson, and Bill Nighy, as many as Christopher Walken, Colin Firth, Jessica Tandy, Ed Norton, and Bruce Dern.

Worse than Ann Perkins? Do you even know anything about anything?

God, Martin Short was AWFUL in a way that made me cringe and feel bad for him. He was so ON it felt desperate. LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME can get exhausting. You could tell the other celebs were a little uncomfortable.

The brother of two siblings? Meaning he's a third sibling, and his two other siblings befriend the airbender? Or he's the male of a sister-brother duo who befriend the airbender?

Incorrect. It's Dar Adal, mysterious superspy of unknown allegiances and murky intentions, who counsels Davis on mediocrity.

I also love that Callie got it in his contract to open the door on a conversation that's already going on and say "Oh, sorry, didn't know anyone was in here" or "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt" at least once per episode. It's like clockwork.

He speaks the truth! On an Internet site. About a comic movie! And it makes us uncomfortable. Well, Chris, you keep speaking truth to power (well, not that much power. Maybe power for an Internet commenter, but what does that even mean?). Let the haters hate. Stand up for the little guy. By which I mean you.

Because you can trademark it. You can't trademark Sci Fi.

Best episode of the season, hands down. Maybe the best episode in two seasons. For once I felt like everyone did things that made sense.

The score of the trailer is from Sunshine. Or do you know that and you're being snarky? I CAN'T TELL ANYMORE!

You DDT their head, not their ass. Don't you know ANYTHING?

See when you say "you missed my point, here it is again" you need to then reiterate the point you made previously, not make a completely different one. Your first point was: We love patting ourselves on the back for being smarter than our ancestors. This is Oscar bait and studios only make them because they're Oscar

He dug a tunnel behind the Raquel Welch poster.

Hey, as long as you don't cynically prejudge a movie that has gotten nothing but rave reviews from people who have actually, ya know, seen it.

I don't think Fox greenlighted anything. Serenity was made by Universal.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Gone Baby Gone, and Source Code (sorta?) beg to differ.

I enjoyed Kelly MacDonald's accent in No Country for Old Men.

I enjoyed Kelly MacDonald's accent in No Country for Old Men.